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24 replies
  1. Motersickle Bum says:

    more slanted and fake news from OAN. do a search for: "insurance company refuses to pay for life saving care" to learn how the FOR PROFIT insurance industry ROUTINELY kills people

  2. Jonathan Farley says:

    In a just society, you don't attack someone for what his parents did. Also, no just person should convict based on the charge of being an "unindicted co-conspirator." Provide proof. Oh, and any American of suitable age can run for Congress.

  3. Christopher Pearson says:

    Arrest Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff for Treason = Betrayal after Public Trust = Imaginary Whistleblowers and Fabricated Testimony Before The American People. This decades long damage to the Nation needs to stop this Sedition of Congress; just as the Human and Drug Trafficking Invasion from across the Southern Border – these are apparently one and the same source.

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