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45 replies
  1. John Rambo says:

    He also had a drink bottle next to him being grilled by Congress with the word KATE written on it witch is the name if a top special forces sniper rifle 😷

  2. D M says:

    CNN should be banned from the white house grounds they should be banned from white house press briefings ,,what does the white house have too lose,,. Trump2020

  3. bstylesk says:

    Side note I wish somebody from oan would ask what happened to flattening the curve at the pressures not a cure flattening the curve was to prevent hospitals with overflow that's why he sent ships to big cities

  4. Aaron Camus says:

    "Cast a chill"… They even use language that hints at magick and sorcery. Of COURSE this guy is guilty of seditious treason… Strzok is Russian for "Traitor".

  5. J Mc says:

    The whole plan from Election Day 2016 forward has been to stall justice until this years election in hopes of a Democrat win so they can sweep all the evidence under the rug for good. Stall, delay, obfuscate, lie until a Democrat victory. WE The People (I mean the GOOD people, the GOOD Americans, not liberals) need to win this election so that Trump/Barr can push forward for true justice.

  6. gareth jordan says:

    201,246 covid deaths 6,824,664 covid cases and counting even after the WH took control of hospital data from the CDC and test centres being closed down, 1000 americans are dying every day from the Trump virus, 'it is what it is' says the impeached 'i dont take responsibility at all' bone spurs grifter of a president who is responsible for 40 million people being evicted from their homes due to his incompetence……….

  7. Mr.E.Shoppa says:

    William Barr is looking like…..The Coward. He is downright afraid to do his job; to show America that we have a functional Justice Department. Barr doesn't care about anything but his own oversized evidence laminated behind. Barr has screwed us by allowing Christopher Wray to flip us all off.

  8. Al Bundick says:

    Tom..you have more power than you realize as a citizen…look up how a citizen can report a crime, make a citizen arrest, and once you get into it…you might agree with me.

  9. Yitway says:

    Every time Tom Fitton gets done with all the heavy lifting, he hands off the baton to the justice officials who are supposed to act on it…..and they drop the baton. God Bless You Tom Fitton. At least you keep on keepin on.

  10. Ester Light says:

    It's amazing these guys have been to Yale—Harvard—-prestigious law schools and none of them know the law well enough to get a conviction . they stumble through their great learned minds and all get tangled up in their great intelligent Bumbling!!!. I've heard this stuff for 10 years with (they really don't know what to do) 😁 where is Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson? How in the heck can you respect these dead end attorneys ? What is the judicial watch team watching😁😁😁😁LOL

  11. LEONIDAS says:

    NOBODY is going to jail. The ones who broke the laws are the ones who also get to have the final say as to who's guilty if anyone. It's a BIG JOKE and the American People can always be counted on to sit down and shut up.
    C' mon ! The Congress is left to vote on " Term Limits " for themselves, like that would ever happen. It's Ridiculous !

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