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39 replies
  1. John W says:

    Yeah he has caused 190,000 to die and he is not happy with that so now he is conducting Death Camp rallies so he can reach 200,000 – He has no respect for human life unless the surname is Trump and las the biggest legal team in history working overtime to hide his life of crime, corrupt, sex and sleaze- sad those attending Trump death rallies alot will end up in ICU or 6 foot under prior to Christmas

  2. Rob The Old says:

    The Trumpster lost to Crooked Hillary by 4% in 2016. If you culinary and food services Union Members in Las Vegas come out for the President, he will take Nevada and turn it red. Biden's not going to help out Union Members. He'll be too busy being incarcerated by his own Progressives, Socialists, and Marxists "supporters", who want to bring down the Republic in one election cycle..

  3. Ali Starber says:

    Mr President it was an honor to wait in line for hours to see you. You even past us on the road as we were waking back to our cars. Thank you for turning on the light in in your beast to wave at us 😍 KAG 2020

  4. Johnny Guit-Fiddle says:

    I love our president, but somerimes his speeches sound like a loud conversation at a bar. Really loose structure that goes off on a lot of tangents etc.

    Again, love the man, and I'm voting for him, I'm just saying.

  5. Great white says:

    Friendly happy good fantastic winning law and order
    this is words we hear again and again together with Trump and those who supports him.
    I will throw in AMAZING, Trump 2020. .

  6. Kenneth Moore says:

    5 bankruptcies, including 2 casinos [a record]

    25 women have accused him of sexual misconduct

    20,000 documented lies

    Believes he is a very stable genius but 8th grade vocabulary suggests average IQ.

    Embraces brutal dictators

    Alienates allies

    Environment neglected

    Ponzi tax “break” when economy was strong

    Deficit/debt exploded before pandemic

    Dismissed pandemic as hoax, mocked wearing a mask

    Infrastructure still crumbling

    $25M settlement for Trump University fraud

    $413M inheritance =>

    Mr. Trump told Deutsche Bank his net worth was about $3 billion, but when bank employees reviewed his finances, they concluded he was worth about $788 million

    Doesn’t listen to experts

    Doesn’t read briefings

    Knows very little about history

    Knows nothing about science, e.g., “maybe we could use bleach, do you think that would work.”

    “I alone can fix it.” => “it is what it is.”

    "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

    So, don’t say he didn’t warn us.

    Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

    “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” Why we don’t let the ticket agent fly the plane.

  7. Nonmi Hiseddeo says:

    I was at Trump's MAGA rally in 2018, on 18th October here in Missoula, Montana USA.
    Trump is the most dynamic speaker. He knows what he wants to say, and he says it clearly, passionately, knowingly. He's strong. He's capable in the extreme. I was maybe 20 feet off to his right, and he looks robust, the picture of health. Best of all, when Trump says he loves America and We, the People, he means it. It comes from his heart and shows on his face. Trump is the best president the US has EVER HAD. He's better than Washington, better did Lincoln, because the work he's done has been against domestic enemies in the US House of Representatives, against a Swamp Washington and Lincoln, whatever their challenges, never knew. Yet, he wants four more years, because he loves America!
    Thank you, President Trump! Thank you to everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 and to everyone who will vote for him this November.
    May Almighty God, Father of Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, bless, protect, and defend you, Mr. President! May no plan formed against you prosper, but may those plans backfire upon those who are behind them. As I ask for Your blessing on our great duly elected and totally beloved 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump, I ask You to remind him, and us, to bless You, too. I ask all in Jesus Mighty Name Above All Names, amen and amen!

  8. Dietmar Wohlleben says:

    Thousands supporters for hours without masks close together without sufficient distance! The USA has about 55 times (!!!) as many coronavirus deaths per 1 million inhabitants compared to Japan.With compulsory masks and an earlier ban on mass events – as in Japan – 200,000 fewer people would have died of corona in the USA so far!

  9. Bn Hayman says:

    Am not american, I wish I am , my uncle was american may he rest in peace, he has a son Alex who lives in Arizona. this must be a great time to be an american, make sure your next president is as good as your current president or even better.

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