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39 replies
  1. Daniel Mitchell says:

    What is the objective of this reporting? So much hyperbole to make stressed out people more angry. Why not just focus on facts and on the science? Why give medical advice when you aren't qualified. I can understand being angry about where government failed but you don't need exaggerate and lie to help prove your point.

  2. Daniel Rendall aka Young Dehlow says:

    The government has no right to deem your business non-essential as in not important and force you to shut down and put your employees and yourself out of work! It is actually illegal! But so many Americans don't know the U.S. Constitution or its context! That Dr. Fauci bobblehead garden gnome was involved with giving the Wu Han labs 3.7 million dollars to figure out how to get the virus to transfer from animals to humans. Now the whole scamdemic/plandemic has been used by power hungry governors, mayors, and senators to exert their power over the people they wanna rule with an iron fist! They are our Representatives! They work for us. We don't work for them! Government overreach will only go as far as we let it go. The Real Christians Militias and Patriots better stay armed to the teeth and let Big Brother government know we will NOT tolerate a dictatorship!

  3. DaveOz says:

    under Trump, America is #1 WORST in the world for total coronavirus cases, #1 WORST in the world for total coronavirus deaths, #11 WORST in the world for coronavirus cases per capita, and #11 WORST in the world for coronavirus deaths per capita. Or as Dementia Donnie puts it, "I think we've done a phenomenal job… now take off your mask".

  4. Tigerex966 says:

    Mask day on the package they do not stop viruses.
    In California they say mask cannot stop the smoke, however the smoke is ten times larger than virus droplets..because they do nothing except virtual signal and punish and ridicule and blame those not wearing mask of murder.

  5. Nicholas Lee says:

    I work with Cuban guys who grew up under Castro. Policing each other is a socialist intimidation tactic. The slang word for traitor in Cuba is chivato. Andrew Cuomo and Bill De Blasio are chivatos.

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