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22 replies
  1. Marsella Richards says:

    Ꝓresident ƬRUMP
    You have my Vote,
    My Respect
    My Allegiance.
    Because You Sir are not joined
    At the hip with any of the super packs
    I Do Not Want Another Politician
    For My President
    He is NOT For Sale..
    EVERY Last ONE OWE's Favors
    LEFT and RIGHT..
    Who The Hell Cares If
    President TRUMP
    is Not politically correct.
    I want my President to be
    PATRIOTICALLY Correct.._
    Washington Is Terrified What
    "We the People"
    Will BE Doing NEXT__
    and THEY SHOULD BE (ړ יי)
    Some will call it Revenge,
    but 'We the People' just call it
    (Returning the Favor)(ˆ◡ˆ)
    ღPrεsidεnʈ Donald J. Ͳrumpღ

  2. Paul Nwosu says:

    Lets support the man with fear of God. Because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. A blind man cannot lead a blind man. If he tries it they will fall into a hole. Let us vote for the man who can even see tomorrow, Donald Trump. Not the people that will sink America. Vote wisely.

  3. Ed Bouchard says:

    I didn’t mind Trump acceptance as GOP nominee for this coming US election, Trump’s speech was OK, until he said about having a vaccine
    likely this fall for covid 19, well Donald if you want the vaccine and your family, it’s OK by me, but don’t push that BS on the public at large,
    it’s my rights to refuse that Gates vaccine, and many, many people are not stupid enough to buy that scam, so buzz off with your vaccine.

  4. CGAB NEWS says:

    Write-in candidate for president.
    I am not a politician. I'm an American.
    BRING BACK  A FREE AMERICA VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT 2020.    My name is Jared William Landry. I am  41 years old. My former occupation: Private Investigator, Bodyguard, Bail Enforcement Agent, Executive Protection Officer, Security Officer, Recovery Agent, Head of your Private SWAT Team as well as a doing drug interdiction as a CI for the better part of 16 years. Education a quick note I only finished 5th grade at 12 years of age attained a job installing hardwood floors, by the age of 13 I graduated Ground School Aviation. At the age of sixteen I had a company vehicle with Seiler Plumbing and Heating and Cooling Westby Wisconsin. I build my own home in that time when I turn Twenty-One I decide to attend college at WWTC in Fennimore Wisconsin. I obtained 68 college in Criminal Justice and attended Police Academy.  Of which I was the top student. I finished my schooling at WWTC in 2008. And 2013 I applied to Viterbo University. Having told them what I have done they would offer me a scholarship if I were to go get my GED.  In 2018 I obtained 68 college credits in criminal justice and  attended police academy.  In 2013 I obtained GED and attended Viterbo University.
    Education: Arson Investigator, Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction Anti-Terrorism, Firearm Proficiency Training Basics, Security Training, Executive Protection Training, Bail Enforcement Training, NARK II  DRUG Identification, Private Investigator Basic, First Responder Wisconsin Standards plus CPR, Community Policing, Impaired-Driving, eEmotional Survival for Law Enforcement, DWI Detection, Language Lab, Policing in America, Legal Context, Tactical Skills, Relational Skill, Patrol Procedures, Investigation Police Academy, Interview of Witness, Constitutional Law Juvenile Law, Pyychology, Ground School Aviation . Family: Most of my family has taken an active role in today's society / politics. From my uncle being mayor of a major city, to my father being a people's Advocate. My family has always had an interest in helping others. My father has always served his community as well as his country. At the age of 17 my father would leave for Vietnam as a boy but returning man. He has spent 10 years on a major fire department Lafayette Louisiana. Where he he made captain in six short years. My grandfather and my uncle served on the same department for many years. My father showed me that if I work hard anything was possible.
    I want you to know I'm here to work hard for you as a man of the people for the people. I believe dearly in my country  please help me to CHANGE THE WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY AS A WRIGHT IN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT 2020. ITS TIME TO LIBERATE OUR WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT.  I PROMISE I WILL PUT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN IT'S PLACE.  I WILL HAVE TRUMP TRIED FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  I WILL STOP ALL OF IT.  Please help me to spread the word. ..
    When I say something I will do it.
    It is important that you know there will be no more money made on human lives. It stops now people will receive the medical attention that they need. Whether it be a broken toe are open heart transplant. Let it be known your loved ones will receive the care that they need.
    There will be education for all that seek to better their lives. Education is the foundation for a better brighter future for anyone that is willing. therefore if you apply yourself you will be able to attend any college you desire.
    Pollution will stop. There will be no more the depletion of our natural resources. Meaning we will become 100% green energy country there will be a future for our children and our children's children. I will not only put an end to big oil. I will be taking down all nuclear power plants. This will not only insure our future. It will create millions of new jobs and bring in a new era of technical jobs that pay.
    The time has come to take the drugs off the street.  There's no reason for children to be subjected to things like drugs. In this day and age they have enough on their plate. It is it's time we help people that have a drug problem. We can't keep filling the jails with our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. Doing this has not been nor will ever be a solution it is only dragging us down as a nation.
    At the end of the day be assured that your hard work was not in vain. You will keep what you earn. The days of paying income tax on your hard work or over. The wages of yesterday will not support the needs of today therefore you will be earning a fair wage that will support you and your family.
    I will impose a flat tax on everything we buy. Excluding food and food products.
    I will take the federal government out of play on the issue with marijuana.  I will ask that all states legalize and tax it appropriately.  At the same time giving an average individual the chance to own and operate a dispensary. The days of a few Monopolizing an industry are over.
    I intend to turn every home in America into it's own power plant.
    Giving every American a chance to have a little more. 
    It's time that we take control of our government. I intend to cut government by half. There is no need to to employ lazy criminals/politicians. American's have to work everyday. Therefore so should the politicians we employ.
    As for the bad men of the world you are done. There will be no more terrorizing people. Anywhere. My first day in office will be dealing with the chaos that has taken place in our country. I guarantee everyone will return to their homes willingly. War will end and the killing will stop. There will be WORLD peace. ………………………. …..

  5. CGAB NEWS says:

    Write-in candidate for president.
    I am not a politician. I'm an American.
    BRING BACK  A FREE AMERICA VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT 2020.    My name is Jared William Landry. I am  41 years old. My former occupation: Private Investigator, Bodyguard, Bail Enforcement Agent, Executive Protection Officer, Security Officer, Recovery Agent, Head of your Private SWAT Team as well as a doing drug interdiction as a CI for the better part of 16 years. Education a quick note I only finished 5th grade at 12 years of age attained a job installing hardwood floors, by the age of 13 I graduated Ground School Aviation. At the age of sixteen I had a company vehicle with Seiler Plumbing and Heating and Cooling Westby Wisconsin. I build my own home in that time when I turn Twenty-One I decide to attend college at WWTC in Fennimore Wisconsin. I obtained 68 college in Criminal Justice and attended Police Academy.  Of which I was the top student. I finished my schooling at WWTC in 2008. And 2013 I applied to Viterbo University. Having told them what I have done they would offer me a scholarship if I were to go get my GED.  In 2018 I obtained 68 college credits in criminal justice and  attended police academy.  In 2013 I obtained GED and attended Viterbo University.
    Education: Arson Investigator, Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction Anti-Terrorism, Firearm Proficiency Training Basics, Security Training, Executive Protection Training, Bail Enforcement Training, NARK II  DRUG Identification, Private Investigator Basic, First Responder Wisconsin Standards plus CPR, Community Policing, Impaired-Driving, eEmotional Survival for Law Enforcement, DWI Detection, Language Lab, Policing in America, Legal Context, Tactical Skills, Relational Skill, Patrol Procedures, Investigation Police Academy, Interview of Witness, Constitutional Law Juvenile Law, Pyychology, Ground School Aviation . Family: Most of my family has taken an active role in today's society / politics. From my uncle being mayor of a major city, to my father being a people's Advocate. My family has always had an interest in helping others. My father has always served his community as well as his country. At the age of 17 my father would leave for Vietnam as a boy but returning man. He has spent 10 years on a major fire department Lafayette Louisiana. Where he he made captain in six short years. My grandfather and my uncle served on the same department for many years. My father showed me that if I work hard anything was possible.
    I want you to know I'm here to work hard for you as a man of the people for the people. I believe dearly in my country  please help me to CHANGE THE WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY AS A WRIGHT IN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT 2020. ITS TIME TO LIBERATE OUR WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT.  I PROMISE I WILL PUT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN IT'S PLACE.  I WILL HAVE TRUMP TRIED FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  I WILL STOP ALL OF IT.  Please help me to spread the word. ..
    When I say something I will do it.
    It is important that you know there will be no more money made on human lives. It stops now people will receive the medical attention that they need. Whether it be a broken toe are open heart transplant. Let it be known your loved ones will receive the care that they need.
    There will be education for all that seek to better their lives. Education is the foundation for a better brighter future for anyone that is willing. therefore if you apply yourself you will be able to attend any college you desire.
    Pollution will stop. There will be no more the depletion of our natural resources. Meaning we will become 100% green energy country there will be a future for our children and our children's children. I will not only put an end to big oil. I will be taking down all nuclear power plants. This will not only insure our future. It will create millions of new jobs and bring in a new era of technical jobs that pay.
    The time has come to take the drugs off the street.  There's no reason for children to be subjected to things like drugs. In this day and age they have enough on their plate. It is it's time we help people that have a drug problem. We can't keep filling the jails with our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. Doing this has not been nor will ever be a solution it is only dragging us down as a nation.
    At the end of the day be assured that your hard work was not in vain. You will keep what you earn. The days of paying income tax on your hard work or over. The wages of yesterday will not support the needs of today therefore you will be earning a fair wage that will support you and your family.
    I will impose a flat tax on everything we buy. Excluding food and food products.
    I will take the federal government out of play on the issue with marijuana.  I will ask that all states legalize and tax it appropriately.  At the same time giving an average individual the chance to own and operate a dispensary. The days of a few Monopolizing an industry are over.
    I intend to turn every home in America into it's own power plant.
    Giving every American a chance to have a little more. 
    It's time that we take control of our government. I intend to cut government by half. There is no need to to employ lazy criminals/politicians. American's have to work everyday. Therefore so should the politicians we employ.
    As for the bad men of the world you are done. There will be no more terrorizing people. Anywhere. My first day in office will be dealing with the chaos that has taken place in our country. I guarantee everyone will return to their homes willingly. War will end and the killing will stop. There will be WORLD peace. …………………….

  6. REGINA FORD says:

    The "billionaire" who hides his tax returns.

    The "genius" who hides his grades.

    The "innocent man" who refused to testify.

    The “Christian man” who has been married three times and cheated on all three wives.

    The "philanthropist" who defrauds charities.

    The “man of the Bible” who doesn't go to church, declined to name one Bible verse, and who said he never asks God for forgiveness.

    The "tough man" who hides in his bunker because protesters are outside the white house.

    The "playboy" who pays for sex.

    The “strong man“ who wears makeup and hairspray, but never a mask.

    The “patriot” who dodged the draft several times.

    The "brave man" who fires employees via social media instead of face to face.

    The "business man" who bankrupted casinos, several failed businesses, and who has been sued over a thousand times.

    The “self-made man” who tax dodged a $413M “gift” from daddy’s real estate empire.

    The “President” who takes no responsibility for anything and blames everyone else.

    The “defender of our borders” who married an alleged undocumented immigrant who sponsored her parents into the country by chain migration and he was caught having undocumented immigrants work at his golf resort hotels.

    The “Republican” who donated to Democrats at all government levels: John Kerry, Anthony Weiner, Harry Reid, Andrew Cuomo, Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Eliot Spitzer.

  7. Izztana Dark says:

    President like Mr. Trump is hard to come by. The sun comes out everyday without fail to brighten our days…as promised. He is the sun. You will miss him when he’s gone (unvoted by us). God bless you Sir, and praying you will win this election.

  8. ali renfro says:

    I never forgot that night of the election- my husband and my boys- we all stayed up until 0400 we were so excited- I still went to work at 0700- my husband passed a couple years ago- and I never forgot how he continuously said he was glad he lived long enough to see Donald Trump elected as POTUS.

  9. CarryTheCross says:

    President Trump is fighting for all of us Americans & the Democrats, Media, Corrupt Politicians, deep state, satanists, & foreign governments….yet he still keeps WINNING! Praise be to our lord Jesus Christ who is guiding our President. This is why you see great things happening.

  10. Red Faux says:

    If we can go to a gas station (usually one of the dirtiest places) weekly….
    We can vote in person.
    🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Trump 2020. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
    I'm loving OAN. Ditching FOX….

  11. JenWong JenWong says:

    This highly intelligent president cannot be fooled easily. He is not only smart and intelligent he has forsight and is a sharp one at that. He can easily see through a smokes screen.

  12. James Horton says:

    Americans, please just reflect on some of the actions and statements Donald Trump, has made. They are not a hoax, fake news or a conspiracy. They are a clear representation of Donald Trump’s views. If republicans do not reject this individual soon, the Republican Party will be begging for votes the next 10-20 years. After Donald Trump loses in November, more stories will come out about this individual exposing his selfish and dangerous individual. Reject him today, it will make it easier to explain to your kids and grandchildren why you were deceived by this person who will be remembered by historians, as the worst president in the last 150 years.
    Vote trump out and lock him up.

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