
Reports are popping up all over the country that testing centers are over reporting the true number of coronavirus cases. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more as hospitals admit their data is flawed.

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33 replies
  1. Will Moto704 says:

    Wow would ya imagine that !?🤪 that same thing going on NC and hearing from others who either in medical field and Fire and rescue " Involved in car accident, died due to complications of Corona Virus, another, man with bacteria infection from Cancer, died because of Covid. Not saying there not true cases in this world, but when MSM others from government blowing it up like they have, i knew something was fishy and it truly smells like it. Its sad inflation of such matter has to be done to help the Agenda

  2. Truth is power says:

    Just think how many people have been killed because they were tested and was positive. How many people have then put on ventilators who were negative but having another type a problem like asthma? Everybody said that nurse from New York was lying when she reported that 50% of the people who are on ventilators we're not even positive for the Coronavirus and that the majority of them died due to complications from the ventilator.

  3. Sheilah Wilks says:

    My husband works at a hospital and this has been going on for months.China sent us this poison to stop our Presidents reelection,but truth will still be exposed.

  4. bow tie says:

    This is happening all over the country. It won't stop until hospitals stop getting paid for positive patients. My uncle just died from a massive heart attack and his death was labelled as Corona virus.

  5. Wm Peddle says:

    No Effen kidding.
    Other than the initial fear and reaction it has been a political scam of the left wing dems.
    Keep the economy down to F up the Trump train.

  6. TheFlR3StOrM says:

    Even the so called clean packaged swabs they use for testing have come back positive for COVID when they have just come out of the package and not touched a human. Who ever is packaging these swabs should be held accountable and find out who is paying them to contaminate the swabs with the virus. Follow the money. I bet money Bill Gates, George Soros and the DNC are behind this to push their evil political agenda. I refuse to wear a face diaper, even when a store tells me I have to wear one, I still walk right in and get what I need and leave without wearing a mask. Wearing a paper or cloth mask does not stop a virus such as COVID. If you can smell a fart thru it, it will not stop a virus. Some Doctor's, real Doctor's/Scientist that is and not paid off political hacks have stated that wearing mask constantly will lower good Oxygen saturation within an hour to the point say from 99% to 92 and 91% oxygen saturation. Wearing it longer may cause for lowering it even more. This so called Dr. Fauci has not looked at or cared for one COVID patient. He even stated months ago you don't need a mask but changed his tune when he talked to the MSM (fake news). Connect the dots people. I have not changed who I am, I work outside in the sun, in the dirt (yardwork and gardening), mow the lawn, eat right and exercise and my wife and I are fine. We keep our immune system working by exposing it to everyday life as always. Nobody was told to wear a mask during flu or cold season, nobody was told to wear a mask during SARS, Swine flu, seasonal flu's, Well known outbreaks of H1N1 strains in humans including the 2009 swine flu pandemic H1N1 and people's immune system's started fighting back without a mask. Think about that. This is a political propaganda machine from people who want to control you.

  7. Tabac1959 says:

    A 94% positive error! COVID-19 is being used as a political weapon against president Trump. Dr. Birx slammed CDC numbers as being inflated.
    Democrats later tried to discredit her in an effort to keep infection numbers and deaths high.
    The total number of deaths could be off by 50% or more. All deaths reported must be reviewed and errors in testing must be answered; and, how
    wide spread the false data is. The true adjusted numbers in deaths and infections must be revealed.

  8. Anthony Carabajal says:

    Trying to tell people that it's only the flu they just didn't get it only the Sheep fell for wearing a mask and a 6ft bullshit is for the AI to test its ability to facial recognition all of you who stood six feet apart wearing a mask that poison.

  9. Corrected News says:

    Hospitals got fat checks from the govt for COVID care.
    92 year old would come over from a nursing home, magically test positive and die.
    She was going to die just 'cause it's Thursday, but Oh No, that's a COVID death.

  10. Sonny Pruitt says:

    "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."- Abraham Lincoln
    "You can fool all the Democrats all of the time, and none of the Democrats some of the time, but fools and Democrats are the same all the time."- Sonny Pruitt

  11. TheRoon4660 says:

    This is an international attack on people. The deep state wishes the virus were stronger but by screwing with testing and statistics they can control us and boss us around.

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