
Twitter is attempting to ban followers of the popular QAnon movement. One America’s Kristian Rouz looks into the matter.

Exclusive: What 8chan shutdown means for online forum, QAnon

Exposed – Creator of QAnon Speaks for the First Time

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43 replies
  1. Rebecca Dunn says:

    The Q is a false teaching of Gods word. It's not a trusted Christian organization to be trusted to follow. It's a deceptions. It dosent teach God Family and country.

  2. We the People United says:

    That just made them a publisher so everyone can sur them. Youtube did this as well since any video talking about Q they put there Wikipedia add saying its conspiracy theory. Sue them all.

  3. SpS says:

    you're not allowed to research stuff on your own accord! Believe what the talking heads tell you! You can trust us, we swear 😀

  4. Dcstar5 says:

    Of course they did. No corruption here people, just continue about your little twitter life. They know what’s best for you, so submit.

  5. 777Warrior says:

    Obama is the one that changed the law that the media does not have to be fact based.Why doesn't Trump change that order back to only fact based reporting?He just lets them do what ever they want.The news is all that we the people have to keep us united.Letting all of this propaganda to commence against the American people, is the real crime here!!

  6. politicjunkee says:

    Fake news hates truth. Interesting that WaPo just had to settle a $250 MILLION liable lawsuit. CNN did too. ABC tried to pass off a Kentucky gun range as a battle in Syria. Wag the Dog.

  7. bigbangnone says:

    The USA voters are not using their intellect, possibly because of a lack thereof. They do not know how to perform basic gathering of data, and the process of analyzing the data.

    The one commonality that many conspiracy theories have in common is that they are always attempting to push what they try to pass off a clues, which are made to seem valuable, but are meaningless to intelligent individuals – but very valuable to the non logical mind that seeks to be intrigued.

    HAVE YOUR FUN. Keep ignorant the real threats…. (China, Islam, Democrats in the House and Democrat Governors and Democrat Mayors, Democrat City Councils), each bribed by the Cabal Money !!!

    Yes have your fun and give all your money to China Products……keep pleasuring yourselves with caffeine, drugs, alcohol).

    You psychopaths who drive the gas guzzler vehicles and purchase big toys over-sized homes, then end up taking up all the real estate in the form of graves when you die or leaving your money to your coke smoking ilk offspring. You will be seen as just another psychopath.

    People only remember those who sacrificed to help others. Nobody remembers those who die with the most toys.

    The reason that there are so many psychopaths on the Earth scheming with other psychopaths while enslaving and killing those who do not follow the selfish psychopath agenda – is simply that being a psychopaths is a positive survival attribute in many high finance arenas.

    Never allow yourself to become unbalance, and only seek profits for yourself – as you will meet a bad end.

    Support a family or a team of people that help others while removing the psychopath element in your city, and in the system.

    Do not buy any food or products made by the psychopaths. Study and be aware of the companies owned by the psychopaths. The FEP (Financially Elite Psychopaths) the Cabal, the Federal Reserve and Banking Systems are going to lock you out. There are list of anti US Constitution Companies, find those who are anti 1st and 2nd Amendment, and these are the psychopath owned companies.

    They are about to take your money and reduce the value of your currency as they are now owners of all the gold – after the Democrats Voted to steal your gold out of Fort Knox., then the same Democrats voted to allow foreign Banksters to control your economy (Federal Reserve).

    There is NOT a huge network of baby drainers. The huge networks are the tyrants surrounding your financial l infrastructure, our most valuable companies and high technology is being stolen out from under us right now by China and Islam.

    They are stealing the companies that protect your Freedom. China, Islam, and the Cabal Banksters are stealing the technology and companies that creative people like you and I developed.

    If we continue to engage in fantasy conspiracies and allow the Cabal owned News Medias, and the Cabal owned Democrats to deceive us and create wars within our own cities, then we will be disarmed by the Democrats because they obviously no-longer seek the peoples agenda.

    Democrat Politicians now seek the Cabal bribes and the Cabal Agenda to include China, Islam, Banksters and anyone else who will offer low wage worker and loans to a feeble minded money hungry country or company. The their goal is to enslave by acquiring and take over our manufacturing companies.

    Their goal is to have you as a slave in their company – which was once our company. And the current greedy Cabal bribed politicians within our own government are handing all our designs and patents over to China, while replacing you with Mexicans and Muslims…. And it us the greedy near term profit seeking Democrat Party and allows these take-overs of our most valuable companies by the ilk that the Democrats are forcing us to allow over our borders – which will eventually result in a Caliphate or communism of the USA Government.

    The primary means to coup a nation is to force the borders open to the ilk that will vote for the Party which wants all the power and money for themselves, and in-case you have not noticed, the Democrat Party has been clearly acting outside of the peoples interests while attempting a modern day real on-going Coup Attempt of the US Government by generating a fake Russian Collusion Dossier, and now a Democrat backed, and Cabal backed terrorist group called BLM (Black Lives Matter), which is just a Trojan Horse filled with (rioters, looters, and yes, terrorists, and murderers contained within…..).

    And if you think that Democrats cannot kill for profit and power, just take a closer look at what Democrat mayors and governors did to all our senior VETS in the Rest Homes and Senior Centers. Gavin Newsom, de Blasio, and Cuomo with other Democrats actually ordered infected patients into the Rest Homes and Senior Centers, resulting in the deaths of more than 50,000 Seniors who were our war veterans and historically experienced people that can clearly see the Democrat Coup and would have voted against the Democrat Party.

    This is a real Coup attempt, and we voters must decimate the Democrat Party.

    The Democrats have nothing for the Nov Election, so they sink even lower than their Fake Russian Collusion Narrative…..Now they are standing on the back of George Floyd – while pointing at police and Trump, and funding the BLM terrorists. Supporting rioters and murderers – while blocking the critical Local City /County daily China Virus mortality curves which are critically needed to assess the risk, and to open any business or school in any city or county !!!!!

    Vote in November and replace all COVID-19 AID MONEY stealing Democrat Politicians !!!!

    A quote by Cicero in the year (43 B.C) while he was addressing the Roman Senate:

    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
    survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
    for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves
    amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling
    through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar
    to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he
    appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He
    rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night
    to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so
    that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."

  8. Spirit Anon says:

    "Nothing to see here people! No such thing as Q. Even if Q is real it's a LARP. Go back to sleep." Are you gonna let the deep state talk to you like that?

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