
Protesters and violent left-wing agitators continue to destroy historical monuments across the nation, including statues dedicated to African Americans and those who fought against slavery. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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22 replies
  1. Anonymous says:

    Our young men and women were lied to in school, now they know ! Knowledge is powerful, but not for weak minded wimps.
    These guys are lost, they READ the news, but at the end,, they doubt what they are sure of,,,,   senior vote? Democrats killed them with virus.

  2. Jesus Carrasco says:

    Both left and right are being chickenshit to stop these ignorant turds.They fear political backlash soon after. If an average citizen did this we'd be arrested by now.

  3. Jesus Carrasco says:

    These politicians would suddenly wake up and put a stop to this if a tired Fed Up proud citizen used these turds as moving targets.. that citizen would be the only arrest in this charade.

  4. Michael Rueger says:

    Schools apparently don't teach history anymore. These ignorant milenials are out of touch and making themselves look like street thugs. This whole PC movement has been gaining steady momentum since Obama took office and this country is a mess with everyone finding offense with something. Erase all the history and heritage of the United States and someone will still feel wronged about something. ✝️ 🇺🇸 RIP

  5. willy kanos says:

    Stop taking the easy road. The 'protesters' are funded and directed to do as much harm as they can. They are building toward a frenzy of destruction and killing following the November election.

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