
A close election in North Carolina is revolving around changing the name of a military base. One America’s Loren Rutherford has the latest.

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31 replies

    If only Eskimos should sell Eskimo Pies…

    Should only Mexicans sell Mexican food?

    Should only Chinese sell Chinese food?

    Should only Southerners sell Southern Fried Chicken?

    Should Uncle Ben’s Rice and Aunt Jemima Pancakes be only for Black People?

    Should Snap, Crackle & Pop: Rice Crispies be only for White People?

    [There are many things to ponder in this modern world!]

  2. Bonnie Valls says:

    Leave the names alone. Its time to stop all these Leftist demands. And if Mr. Tillis or any other Republican cant vote with his party then to heck
    with him. Go back to IBM.!

  3. ME says:

    If Trump takes an unannounced trip to Russia and says he's not coming back, what would his base do then!

  4. Just my Opinion says:

    If people can be offended by a name of a military base or what colors & shapes are on a piece of cloth then I should be able to be offended that people are trying to erase my history

  5. Steppi B. says:

    There is no anti racist movement rising, there is a race war going on! But in fact it's not about superiority of any skin color! It's about chaos and splitting the society to establish a new socialist world order! Beware or you wake up in a Stalinistic like world! Gulags, death squads and mind control! 🙅🙅

  6. TheSleeperHasAwakened says:

    It should not be about candidates, if people want to change the name, it should be put on a National referendum. Let every voter express their opinion at the ballot box. These are Federal sites, states should not be allowed to change them. It must be a national referendum.

  7. J H says:

    I have no issue with forgetting every single thing in history. If we could live our lives based on what is happening today, maybe we wouldn't fight so much about what happened 100 years ago.

  8. Dilip Patel says:

    Most of the founding fathers who forged the Constitution were slave owners. Does that mean the Constitution is invalid and America should be cancelled? Now, chess is racist as white makes the first move! Someone please reset the sanity button!

  9. camjamsdad says:

    I don't care if they change the names. I do object to renaming them after other people. If you want to rename a base then name it something benign. Base A, or Base 1, or North Carolina Army Base. If your goal is to remove the name based on race only to replace it with another name because of race means it still has a racially offensive name.

  10. Kimberly Davis says:

    There’s no need to change any of the names
    If someone doesn’t like the man and they’re so bothered by it perhaps they should seek counseling for their issues
    And if people don’t like their history practices or politics please move to a country you are happy to be a part of we’re not going to turn America to any other country there’s too many Americans that live here !!!!

  11. TheEvilChipmunk says:

    I like my presidents to care more about our troops getting targeted by Russian bounties in Afghanistan, than about whether we should continue to honor Confederate traitors who tried to destroy our Union. Come to that, I like news services to do so as well.

  12. Glen Gardner says:

    Their military bases named after members of the military. In military tradition distinguished service by both friend and foe are honored regardless of political consideration. Leave the names alone.

  13. Jeffrey Koon says:

    How far our nation has fallen! Politics has for many decades been nothing more than professional liars selling those lies but now, with the dumbing down of our nation over the last 70 years, politicians don't even have to bother with promises they won't keep – just stand on one topic, the name of one of the most important military bases in US history.

  14. James Stepp says:

    NO NEED to change the names of Bases,OR remove Historic Statues and Monuments-that's nothing more than trying to re-write America's HISTORY,something the Socialists are known for.

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