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28 replies
  1. Joshua Curtiss says:

    They should have her and McAnaney as dueling press secretaries for Trump. There would be such a bloodbath on day one that there would be no press left on day two.

  2. Louis Arno says:

    Too bad you didn't get to the root of it! Who made the movie? Who is making these movies that demonize and demoralize Christians and white people as racists??? Hhmmmm When they call us a Jewish/Christian state! Its disgusting! To know true evil, look to whom you cannot criticise!!

  3. Chris Jones says:

    pre-civil war, if you were ruled by the monarchy, as a lord or other high ranking official or basically rich as fuck, it was LAW that you must own slaves. so while you fought over it, us smart people up not just said "no, go fuck yourselves." thats why coming north was a ticket to real freedom. because we didn't have to fight with cannons and muskets. we used the pen, and a strong will to just say no.

  4. MaxSAgent86 says:

    Who captured and sold those slaves to white men? Who is still doing it today as we speak? The same people who did it back then.BUT……….. Let's not protest THAT.

  5. Reel Tech says:

    It's the circular education conundrum. You have a group of socialist Educators, who are too lazy, to actually educate children. So they turn over the responsibility of Education, to the media. A media who is too lazy, to research their own history. Everything that has been said since March 3rd, is all an argument, for defunding the teachers unions. Let's take a good hard look at all of the categories of Education that our beloved teachers union… The one that claims to love our children so much… Has dropped the ball on. Not a hard one to itemize… It's literally every single subject. They don't teach math history and science English civics. What the f*** are we paying these people for? How did functionally illiterate, become the standard of Education in this country?

  6. Tony Hopkins says:

    We still have slaves! You see them most of the time but not all of the time! SLAVES TO ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! JUST TO MENTION A FEW!
    Still Slavery going on in other parts of the World! CRICKETS is what I Hear! Smh

  7. john John says:

    The state department used to to be the shadow government taking orders from CIFR until songbird died. The previos pres wer rubber stamps unlike trump. Im so glad i found out the lies of democrats that im now s republican supporter. The dems know Trump could not be defeated in 2020 bc of strong economy. So they bring the virus with a hidden agenda to introduce mail ballots. This virus was introduced with instructions to MSM to amplify with a view to introduce mail ballots. Americans need to think for themselves like kanye weest said. The process of ballot harvesting should be illegal for very good reason. It violates the CHAIN OF CUSTODY, exposing the ballot to potential manipulation by campaign operatives or nonprofit political groups Mail ballots voilate the chain of custody of ur precious right undermining the integrity of elections

  8. Cyrus Vance says:

    My companion 's ancestors were indentured servants who never saw their families again. Sold off to the colonists when they were 13 and 14. Stolen from the streets of London. Many of her people were done this way, yet we don't hear that part of history. Hum…..why not?

  9. Nick Cellini says:

    Another point to make is that if the country was "founded" on slavery, then how come as soon as we won the revolution the newly independent northern states voted and abolished slavery—while the Democrat southern states did not !!!!

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