
San Diego’s Republican Party has issued its first ever resolution calling for the reopening of California state.

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34 replies
  1. MAGA says:

    CAN YOU BELIEVE GOVERNMENT took charge of our civil liberties WHILE we sat by and watched it all happen. What just happened to our FREEDOM is way more dangerous than a silly CORONAVIRUS.

  2. Josif Maracine says:

    Please open up the Presidential rallies, here in California as well. Watch Marie Antoinette ( Nancy) and little Mussolini Gavin Newsom shit their pants with so many Patriots coming out to support President Trump.

  3. BC H says:

    Hang all deepstate players in washington now!!! These people are trying to kill us, only right to return the favor.

  4. Mary Goulet says:

    I live in San Diego and it is completely ridiculous to lock the beaches. Finally, they opened them. We are so spread out in this area.

  5. Tacitus Romanus says:

    Gald that at least some branch of the Californian Republican Party is showing some testicular fortitude! Gov Newscum's declarations are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

  6. Ray Kehr says:

    Those that don’t go to beaches say close them. Those that have armed guards say ban guns. Those that still work say lockdown. They let convicted felons lose and arrest good citizens over distance and being at closed parks. Things are pretty backwards nowadays. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔. END TIMES! Jesus is coming soon 😊😊😊😊.

  7. Daniel Mc Dowell says:

    Not going to happen It not in the agenda, so suck it up. Democrats are in office to protect you from yourselves. You obviously do not have the intelligence to make decisions that benefit your own welfare.

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