
Reopening protests have made headlines nationwide for the way some demonstrators are treating reporters who choose to wear face masks. One America’s Kyarra Harris explains.

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20 replies
  1. HonkeyConk says:

    look, the reporters who have work and have no clue what is like to have zero income are trying to lord the mask wearing over people just trying to get their lives back. fucking shameful behavior, and I hope people start assaulting the media, they deserve no less.

  2. Maggie Vedrenne says:

    Mainstream Media, Democrats, Hollywood and Corporations want to continue STEALING, KIDNAPPING, RAPING AND EATING OUR CHILDREN.

  3. MamaTthaOG says:

    If you want to wear a mask, wear one. If you don't want to, dont. But it is our decision and no-one should be shamed and harassed for wearing one, or not wearing one. Damn leave ppl the f alone, mind your own business, move on with your life and stop being so filled FULL of hatred! 2 wrongs don't make a right, idiots! That stupid B with the roses needs to be slapped for putting her hands on that man. And the red head hag is just unhappy with life and mean. You do not put your hands on people or invade people's personal space. The MSM is def the enemy and the great divider, but right is right and wrong is wrong! Period!

  4. Casian Gray says:

    Even if we don't agree with them for wearing masks (and I don't) what is wrong with showing respect to other people we disagree with? Do we really want to become like the intolerant left? We should be the party that makes others want to join because we are different in a good way.

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