
Researchers at Stanford University have said their data shows the U.S. is on track for a much faster recovery than some health experts are predicting. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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24 replies
  1. Quantumsneak says:

    That's interesting considering Trump said the virus was going to magically disappear in April when it gets hot. Oh but he did also call it a hoax invented by the democrats. Worst president in history.

  2. Zenomorph says:

    Yes! It will be over by November 4th if Biden wins, it not it will take 4 years if Trump wins. Therefore by process of elimination, it will be at least 4 years before it’s over.

  3. phillip kalaveras says:

    Here we are 5 months later and we are still shut down. You know what is really crazy places like Amazon that employ millions and run 24/7 are not dropping like flys. Covid-19 has not done anything by itself that impacted our way of life. It was the orchestrated deliberate manipulation by social media, panicking the population and then led be liberal governor's and heads of states shut half the damn world down. That's what we need to recover from not this virus that even after adding seasonal flu deaths to it still has not killed more than we experience every year from the flu. That is why all they want to talk about is new cases testing more testing cases… Just shove it where the sun never shines. Anyone who votes for a democrat is either stupid or an evil pos.

  4. Ginny C says:

    I just listened to Fauci on ABC. He told us to hunker down this Fall and winter. It’s so hard to know what to believe. Of course I don’t trust Fauci but most Americans do.

  5. Douglas Page says:

    That is an understatement. Anyone with good analytical skills, and a bit of knowledge of what PCR testing can easily figure out, that in the Northern and western US climates the epidemic is long gone, and in the southern regions, it is very close to the end. What we have now is a "casedemic" created by hypertesting with a test that cannot definitively distinguish between an active infection, a past infection, or viral particles. what we have are positive test results, without the important estimation of viral load, cycle value threshold, or a follow up lab sample culture (the definitive test.). without the follow up, even the attribution to cause of death becomes a question.
    Even with the faulty numbers being used, at this point in time, it is obvious that in the US, depending on the regional climate, the point at which this can be considered an epidemic, or at risk of returning to epidemic level, ranges from months past, to the last 1o to 15% of the typical curve for a respiratory viral infectin. and COVID19 has mirrored the typical curve, both with, and without the draconian measures that were"supposed to flatten the curve, in the US, these measures were not even taken until long after the peak, not that it matters, they have proven to have had no significant effect.

  6. T Apgar says:

    Vote in person and vote red! Don't let anything stop you from voting in person. The Dems are going to cheat using universal mail in ballots. PROTECT YOUR VOTE!! Blues for God's sake vote red and help us save America!

  7. William Liversage says:

    we might recover from the health aspects better but the economic damage is still much worse and will take longer to recover from due largely to the mismanagement and corruption of our government

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