
Public concern is growing over Democrat presidential front-runner Joe Biden’s mental health. This comes as multiple gaffes displayed by the 2020 hopeful are fueling allegations that Biden may be suffering from dementia. One America’s Tali Letoi has the details.

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50 replies
  1. wcharliewilson says:

    Hmm, I wonder who's poised as VP to eventually take over once [JB] is deemed mentally incapable? Provided the minute, seemingly impossible chance these idiots can oust DJT POTUS…

  2. Tom Burke says:

    The media can only cover for Biden’s mental state just so long. Very soon he’ll be crapping himself on stage. Let’s see them cover that up.

  3. Ben Jones says:

    The Leftist controlled media may try to hide Biden's gaffe's but people with their cell phones filming him and posting them to YouTube and Facebook certainly will not.

  4. Nana Davis says:

    I've been asking why they would nominate a man who slept thru Obama's entire tenure… Please just eliminate the Democratic party altogether… After the fiasco of the witch hunt for Trump … You have to ask yourself " what purpose do they serve " definitely not the American people….

  5. Paula S says:

    i think that Joe Biden is deliberately Biden’ his time so as to save Bloomberg for as long as possible from taking any political heat. And as late as possible, I think that Biden will step aside in favor of Bloomberg – and it was all ‘scripted’ months beforehand. Around four months ago there was a YouTube video showing Biden saying that if he could find a candidate he thought could beat Trump, he’d gladly endorse that person. (I can no longer find that video.) In that video, Biden showed No signs of “dementia”. He did say that he had some minor health problems that factored into his decision. Could “demented” Biden be “playing” the American public? I think he well could be.

  6. homer randall says:

    The D.N.C doesn't care if he wins or lose, What they don't want is Bernie. He will cost them the down ballet. They think Biden will somehow salvage that. But between Muller, Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment, all the crap they have pulled, America is totally fed up with their crap.

  7. Ron Dail says:

    Maybe the DNC cares less about Biden, they are planning to slip in a VP that will take over in the first year!!! Michelle Obama? Please not Hillary!!!!

  8. Amber Glow says:

    Watch who is Biden's pick for Vice President. If elected, he'll step down. Then, possibly two women could be leading this country. Michelle, or Hillary, and Pelosi. Think hard America. Think real hard. Our country and its future is at stake. Worse, our lives and the future of our children's lives are at stake. Stern Warning! Caution is advised!

  9. Nick Mirth says:

    He can't remember which name to call Barry or Michael so who could blame him for that? He wasn't able to get a look at the birth certificates either. Trump 2020!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Michael Angelo says:

    He is not suitable in the real world .only in the fantasy world of the mind wired for a Democrat. Flawed thinking is An essential symptom of the Democrat Mind. Seriously flawed.

  11. XWriter100 says:

    Don't worry, the Democrats have this all figured out. Hillary will ride to the rescue at the last minute with a piece of fried chicken in one hand and a can of Schlitz Malt Liquor in the other.

  12. Dennis Hartford says:

    No old Joe's has been like this for years Remimber how with the Obama care crap how Biden said on an open Mic that this is a big fucking deal but it wasn't it was a failure just like Biden and obama

  13. KMAC Radio says:

    Mr. Biden seriously does have mental issues. That's very, very clear. Whether or not it is dementia, I don't know, but "something" is clearly wrong.

  14. MAC says:

    The press covers biden up, they forced Trump to take cognitive test! WTF? If jill biden cared more about her husband than her ambition to be the next First Lady, she'd take her husband home to rest his final years. Watch his VP pick, that will tell volumes, especially if it's a woman. Can you see it coming? Demonrat way to get a woman in the WH.

  15. R Mack says:

    In addition to all the previously mentioned mental questions, i.e. lucidity, etc, pay particular attention to his body language. The sometimes halting, unsure, movements and trepidation with which he climbs stairs or sometimes walks using short, "baby steps" etc. These all have the earmarks of someone whose sense of balance is faltering. IOW, the term/expression "doddering" comes to mind.
    Hair Sniffing Joe is old beyond his years. These physical manifestations are consistent with his degraded mental acuity. In the next few years they will get much much worse. The BEST the Democrats can hope for is a President in-name-only, that can be controlled from behind the scenes.

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