
Republicans in Denver are calling for a Democrat councilwoman to resign after she praised a social media post encouraging spreading the coronavirus to Trump supporters. One America’s Emily Finn explains the backlash from the post.

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31 replies
  1. Les Fairbanks says:

    And the leftist democrats say those on the right (actually anyone that doesn't agree with them) are haters? The biggest haters in the Country are the democrats that hate our President and anything or anyone associated with him.

  2. Gizzmo 88 says:

    Which is worse her or the people who voted for her she should be kicked out of office spends some time in jail along with law enforcement letting her get away with threats like this.

  3. Vroom Box says:

    Seems a lot like making a terroristic threat. At the very least it would be attempted criminal transmission of a communicable disease, which is a felony in most states.
    Remover her and prosecute her for inciting civil unrest at the minimum. Again, a felony in most states.

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