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26 replies
  1. Inquire98 says:

    That comedian is not funny 😕 and doesn't or hold a candle to a rotten worm 🙄 and your father/grandfather is right 👍🏿🍎👍🏿

  2. JOKER says:

    Uhhh 😭😭😭 you guys don't have seat during white house press conference sad oh and don't involve penguin on your argument that penguin gender has nothing to do with you guys or me or anybody let that bird alone 😁😁😁

  3. dknight121212 says:

    Your first point is that if gender is destroyed doesn't that destroy gender roles? Seems logical. His first point is if everyone has health doesn't that mean no one will ever die? Is any rational human being supposed to take anything he says after that seriously? He does it all with this ridiculous smug look on his face like he's actually proving something it's embarrassing.

  4. Lino Aulin says:

    OMG this is a live comedy show… Wtf is going on in USA.. I live in Sweden, and i cant believe that one of the most richest and, at least before Covid, powerful counties in the world has people like this on TV… Im sorry to say but the rest of the world laugh at people like this woman and those that watch OAN.. Just please, come on!!??

  5. Dan Bertucci says:

    Oliver doesn't get 1 minute in my house. I think he's an unfunny, self important pseudointellectual nitwit. Proof that vocabulary and a "smart" english accent isn't what makes one intelligent. He's an entertainer anyway and as we all know, entertainers can't be taken seriously. They live in fantasyland.

  6. Linnard Spanthar says:

    I got to see this debate!
    Is going to go viral!! Liz is a Genius and Jim is a….. is a… thang! I wish I can find a good word for this guy.. Sorry Jim.. you’re doomed!

  7. Alexander Craig says:

    Poor Liz. She still doesn't get the joke. And it is on her. It is called a false equivalence in forming a logic sequence. All dogs have four legs. A horse has four legs. Therefore a horse is a dog. And on it goes. You get the idea. But Liz does not. Ever!

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