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42 replies
  1. Blessed Assurance says:

    Lying loosers demon🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀

  2. Ron Lanter says:

    As a Christian myself, I support President Trump 100%, voted for him in 2016 and will vote for him again in 2020. Christianity Today is a liberal-based "not-very-Christian" organization. Real Christians recognize them as being hetetics.

  3. Roger Rabbit says:

    Are you telling me this Woman is a Christian, intelligent, smart, clever, well spoken, funny, successful, and she hit the gene pool jackopt for beauty. OMG I'm smitten

  4. Artifact Hunter says:

    I’m sorry but there is no free will in the Bible there is only God’s will! You cannot will yourself to be born again you cannot will yourself to go to heaven and you cannot will yourself to have eyes or ears to hear and see the truth! Everything is controlled by God including your salvation, it’s called Grace unmerited favor!

  5. Kithsiri RUBESINGHE says:

    Christianity today was started by Rev. Billy Graham. In 1992 I met the Editor of C. T. And recieved a gift subscription for ok one year. Upto now C. T. Was held in high esteem. Of late it has fallen from standards and dwelled into questionable behavior.

  6. Lee oTo says:

    You are correct all sin – Romans 3:23. A Christian must repent – Luke 15:7, Matthew 3:2, Luke 13:3, Mark 1:15, 1 John 1:9. Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) to see which nominee is showing repentance.

  7. Bertie Wilsmore says:

    Seeing this woman on a channel supporting 'EITHER' candidate is a little bit like that Pit Bull wearing lipstick analogy, or should that be a Pit Bull wearing a nice color matching sweater or blouse and having it's hair done in a different way, pity the poor Pitty Huh? 🙁

  8. Josué Escalante says:

    Every Christian should vote for him, because he protect Christian Values, not because he is a saint, because he is not. Thanks God we have a president fighting against the left, who constantly attack and want to destroy Christian Values

  9. Brian Fansher says:

    Generally, only Christian's can see that God is using Trump to expose great evils. Generally, only atheists hate Trump, because they are 1. Blinded by hate, and 2. Not endowed with the wisdom to see the bigger picture.

  10. Christian e.g. says:

    soon, the One Who IS without sin or blemish will soon rule the world, including what is now called to the USA. In the meantime, a flawed character named Trump is the only decent option to rule the USA between until then

  11. Tim Giraud says:

    Trump is the perfect choice for America to drain the swamp… is he a perfect man?

    Dont be stupid never trumpers, and try some honesty… you are all democrats who cloak themselves in a republican cover

  12. MajRatbag says:

    Ever noticed how much more intelligent conservatives are? how much more common sense they speak? how all the conservative women are gorgeous, feminine and empowered at the same time? How Conservative men are strong and impressive but humble and gentle at the same time? Who in their right mind would choose the other side?

  13. Daniel Prakash says:

    The anchor is a lying through her teeth. Obama never supported infanticide.. there are clear cut clarifications made regarding this. Irresponsible media outlet. No wonder people cry murder murder at democrats..

  14. Bryan Young says:

    If that guy said that he needs to be removed from his position character and moral Obama supported the gay and lesbian act even had a rainbow over the White House think he even said one nation under people not under God. I think George Washington gets credit for that one nation under God I think Obama had it set to where we couldn't say Merry Christmas he thought it was offencive and Jesus said it point blank I mean he made it crystal clear anyone confesses that he has never sinned that individual is a liar. That includes any president any Pope any so-called Christian or preacher Jesus made it clear he even demonstrated the fact when the prostitute was caught in the act of adultery people, leaders were going to stone her to death she ran to Jesus and he pretty much ruin the day Jesus said let him that have no sin cast the first stone they drop the stones and walked I'm not judging but it sounds like to me that the Evangelical leader might have been looking for a little bonus or he would say blessing sorry not judging anyone not my place anyone that (Christian) endorse Obama really need to pray and read the Bible.yes Obama knew how to make you feel good to tickle your ears told you what you wanted to hear the Bible warns us a wolf in sheep's clothing Obama hated the Jews he may know bones about it he supported the gay movement he supported the people that wanted to destroy the Jews or Israel he even gave a pallet full of money and I guess you could say he even gave Iran I think a path to make nuclear weapons anybody who hates the Jews and wishes to see them destroyed pretty much hates America also I think Israel and America are like two peas in a pod and I strongly believe in God if for no other reason which there are plenty of it's like a Jewish people sometimes for no reason at all have a great big Target on the back and I may be wrong but I don't think anyone comes close as Hitler did in destroying them or wiping them off the face of the Earth six and a half million Jews, Germany and her people have suffered because it again Jesus made it clear I will bless those who bless my people and I will curse those who curse my people Obama supported abortion some say that's a gray area it's not read it in the Bible God said I knew you when you were in your mother's womb he pretty much set or determined when life begins an will determine when your life and he doesn't like the shedding of innocent blood and a baby in a mother's belly you can't find anything anymore innocent I think people need to know God does not will not can't change his mind. He's not going to conform because what you think he should be he's not of flesh and blood he can't be blackmailed bride or bought and you're definitely not going to bully him or manipulate take us power nope that won't work either geart angel already tried that it didn't work.say what you want but he said it best I am the same yesterday today and for ever amen.

  15. John Hubbard says:

    "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  I did not hear any love in your message and the tone of your voice.

  16. MrMovieflash says:

    Good point!! (Obama had a sheep skin on)
    I vote for policies, not character. Everyone is sinner, but whoever supports Biden (make that Democrats in general) is definitely clueless about his/her faith.

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