
Corporate news has, once again, taken aim at One America News, this time targeting OAN’s report on a UCLA and Stanford study regarding coronavirus fatality rates. OAN’s Pearson Sharp fact-checked the team at ‘Verify’ and found they should do a little more verification before coming after OAN.

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32 replies
  1. LBKpowerhouse says:

    Out of the falsely reported 200000 dead from kung flu only 9,345 are from the flu. The media lies the demorats LIED. It's all about power and control. 93% of the 200,000 already were sick from pre existing conditions. Check the latest FACTS PUT OUT BY CDC INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO THE.LYING MEDIA AND DEMORATS END THE MASKS AND SHUTDOWN NOW!

  2. Diane C says:

    My sister is a nurse in CT …she said the hospital is checking everyone in to the ER as a COVIDPatient …goes to show anytime the Govt subsidizes anything …there is zero oversight, rampant fraud and zero accountabilitiy

  3. John Ramey says:

    The statistics used are not surprising to me at all. This entire charade is nothing more than a leftist attempt at bringing down the most successful president ever in the history of the United States.. because he isn’t a career politician who will dance to their music.. well done OAN!!!

  4. VIP says:

    The media only said how dangerous it was wen they could use it against Trump. Wen Trump said he was going to stop flights they called him ridiculous. Now they said he didn't do enough.
    Trump 2020

  5. Robert Durci says:

    MSM'S "Believe the science." When real science comes out,"Don't believe that science since we did not agree with it." Debate is science, not authoritarian politics.

  6. Carl White says:

    It needs to be stressed that these are odds *per contact*. Not the odds of dying if you contract the virus. It's the odds of (1) catching the virus, (2) going to the hospital, and (3) then dying from it, IF you are in that age group and have had contact with one random person.

    Walk along a sidewalk past forty people and you've now had forty "person contacts". It can add up quickly.

    Using their figures, IF you contract the virus, and are in the age group 50 to 64, you have a 1 in 222 chance of being hospitalized (0.45%) and a roughly 1 in 5000 chance of dying (0.02%). Pretty low odds. It's really only the very elderly who need protection.

  7. scrooblethump says:

    Hold on. 7B divided by 19M equals 368.42. In words, seven billion divided by nineteen million is three hundred sixty eight point four eight. SO, ONLY 368 CORONAVIRUS DEATHS WORLDWIDE9? (assuming similar conditions elsewhere)
    What does this mean? In as many senses as could be imagined?
    Seems pretty clear.

  8. Emily Vanaselja says:

    The doctor from the study says that the OAN findings are a "misrepresentation" of the study results. I read the research paper, this research was done in June of this year, which most of the research done then has been invalidated by more recent research. Also, the articles used in the report for references are from May. The report does not indicate the same conclusion that his reporter found. Yes the numbers may be the same, however, the numbers correlate with communities of more than 500,00 people, which is not representative of America, and with case studies not formed in every state, only about 5 states are used. The conclusion of the paper states a broad range of numbers, and declares that this study is limited by the current numbers (which was in June and May).

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