
President Trump’s supporters are highlighting his fulfilled promises to voters and have called him “the people’s President.” Here’s what they shared with One America’s Jack Posobiec.

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37 replies
  1. Jose Robles says:

    Where's trump's " beautiful and quick new healthcare"? Where's his " infrastructure week"( turned into a four years week.)? Where's is his " tax cuts after midterms"? Where's his " law and order" when he doesn't honors subpoenas? You trump supporters have been mesmerized by a CARRIER CON ARTIST that have defrauded his contractors, stolen from his own " charity org., it is currently waiting on charges from NY's DA office for money laundering and tax evasion. WTF are you people are thinking? trump is not " chosen one", he is not " the saviour", he is not " the people's president". trump is a disgrace for the entire human race.

  2. Tassie says:

    “Silent majority” I don’t think Trump supports are silent at all. Even the oldies in Florida who can’t walk but full vocal energy shouting “white power”. Scary stuff.

  3. assamiti says:

    4 more years of banana republic man what a laughing stock of the world having 2 oceans to prepare for the covid and ending up the worst what a joke keep on going sheeps 0 taxes to billionaire and no more democracy lets go btw popular vote is majority just keep calling your self majority k

  4. Phil Graham says:

    America is a laughing stock around the world. Led by the clown Trump. Solve the issues at home. Now he is celebrating the loss of 200000 Americans . The price they had to pay for his incompetence so far during this pandemic. Worst in the world for infections. That is just one of his abject failures. Lining his own and his family's pockets on the back of Americans , by using his own hotels for golf and weekend getaways is another. Disrespecting the American hero's killed in wars. I'm not a Dem. All he has brought is hate and division . Homeland security report the greatest threat to Americans is the white supremacists. And that they played leading rolls in the rioting and looting . Get rid of his cancer in Nov. Personnel friend of Epstein the Child trafficker.

  5. WI River Rat says:

    LMAO- The new silent majority are those who voted Trump in 2016 that will be switching to Biden. That is a plus two if you're keeping score. Look at the cult showing up at these rallies with no masks. These boat parades. The way I look at it is Trump loving fucks are the loud mouths. Do these Trump supporter forget that Trump lost by 3 million votes and that around 150,000 votes got him in. He's not popular. Also Republicans have only won the popular vote for POTUS once since 1988. Sorry folks you're only salvation is the inane Electoral College.

  6. Michael Davenport says:

    I have NO DOUBT that Trump will win the re-election, however, the problem lies in "mail-in" votes, missing votes and newly surfacing votes that will make his victory a contentious point. Soros funded democrat operatives are at work right now.

  7. g a says:

    Problem is that we need to stop being the “silent majority” and be the CIVIL WAR advocating majority. No more debating. The Left wants to destroy Christian conservative white lives.

  8. sierrajade63 says:

    Walk away movement is still happening. The democrats have done nouthing but shown how dirty and destructive they are. People that have been democrats for years are now switching to Republican. Look what happened in the state of Pennsylvania the last election.

  9. mamoud amin says:

    Violent reprisals from the left…. the party of assault and battery… the party of blue and white collar crime…. the party of miscreants… the democrat party now spits on this Constitutional republic of ours, and can be depended on to try and find an underhanded way to win, since the usual way doesn't work for them any more.

  10. Cole Urquhart says:

    i do not vote and will not ever vote unless it is jesus as my leader. i do not give anyone permission to use me as a so called silent voter so do not use me for the rich mans wants. i dont like ANY politition and especialy dont like all the sheeple who grovel at their feet. they are all liars, theives and murderers.

  11. Bill Hoogterp says:

    Here is how you can spot these Russia bots…I work in the tech industry, all over the web these videos are popping up where by a "miracle" they have many thousands of views, hundreds of comments and each has hundreds of likes and NO dislikes—AT the time of loading. How do you get so many views, comments and likes before you even post? Hmmm by being a Russian scam. At first glance, they look real but look closer to see they are sophisticated fakes supporting Russia's "candidate."

  12. Zhivago KS says:

    Bless the President and the First Lady from the dreaded China Virus……Let's make the effort to Make America Great by going out to vote for Trump as the President of United States of America 🙏

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