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16 replies
  1. DRB says:

    Americans are sick and tired of the lies. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris changed their position on major issues constantly. They never answered if they would pack the Supreme Court. They play the racist card, the Covid card, Russia card, the Green New Deal card, Raise taxes cards, kill babies card, cut police protection card, weaken our military card, send our jobs to China card, gun confiscation card and the list goes on. Bottom line the most important election decision is do you want to make America a SOCIALIST country?

  2. William Gates says:

    How many times do intelligent people need to hear this? BUT stupid people don't condemn BLM, antifa, rioting, looting, burning, and killings. Sick and tired of listening about race. We are Americans, PERIOD Quit making it a race issue.

  3. Don Hawkins says:

    Exactly young lady I’ve been watching Trump since the 80’s didn’t like him because of being jealous of him being rich but the main thing I did later in life was starting listening to what he said and has not changed ever

  4. Patriot Grandma says:

    Biden has the history of being Racist, not Trump. Biden has said some very awful things about people of color, has been close friends with leaders in the KKK with pictures of them together. President Trump has done so many things for all people, and has stood up for Christian values, helped all minorities during his first term. Conservatives are all Americans that love our country, we stand shoulder to shoulder to fight for freedom and our beautiful constitution and stand against the socialist Marxist agenda that seeks to destroy our country and reduce us to becoming like Cuba and Venezuela!

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