
After Hours catches up with Rep. Ralph Norman – the congressman serving South Carolina’s 5th district — to break down what’s going in Washington and what’s at stake in 2020.

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4 replies
  1. Rudy Ponzio says:

    Thank you for the opening to share.

    Is it just me folks or is it that we are in vigil of every wholesome possibility still into infinity being a full possibility with in the highest version of Liberty ever created by man. As opposed to the extinguishing of this and every grand possibility into a dumbed down version of slavery and dominance over limitless possibilities of any fashion and controlled expressions.
    What do you think is on the table?
    Really ? Don’t tell me you bought into the distain about a temporary employee in the White House where no good real and realtime announcements of any positive accomplishments have ever been framed at all let alone equally.
    If you do not see this.
    Plain and simple. You are not fit to see or judge or throw in with except for your puppeteers. That’s my stand and what I speak to in my circles.
    It’s my responsibility. If all those men and women that suffered untold loss in the making and keeping of this dream that lived and passed before I arrived. Then I can have the (excuse the frankness ) balls to stand up for them and all of it. Not stand by and except cancel culture supposedly correct squelch of all of this!
    Bull on that! I can’t live with myself and enjoy all the fruits of it and stand by sell out silent. No that makes me ill to even think of. I mean where I came from when I came from .
    Both sides differed yet none were unAmerican un-constitutional in appetite. And certainly not silent at valor no matter which side provided arrival?
    I’m be-daffed . And at all the others that threw in like manipulated sheep subjected to social entrainments of every-design driven by controversy and plausible deniability proactively researched and fashioned accordingly in every multitude ave. of cohesion not recognized by obsolete algorithms. No? None of that is going on or even remotely thought by accident ever? Is everyone worthless of individual power against any environmental steeping’s?
    I give up ….
    Thank you for reading . Im grateful to speak freely about options I might have in a free country that allows even the harshest of pontifications with in the freedom of speech.
    I do not hate anyone. I miss the expressed grace in personas from those that are seen and revered.
    Thank you

  2. Robert Schaeffer says:

    Democrats are blatantly using the power of government to abuse America's people…the costs of their PSYCHOTIC inquisitions alone…and the democratic governors have been the worst of the worst…

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