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17 replies
  1. Janna Manning says:

    So sad that his life has been taken!!! It does not help to riot that will not bring him back! Go home! Let the law take care of this! Democrats continue to support this action in the street’s Trump 2020

  2. Russ Mess says:

    In the 80s North was the head of smuggling cocaine into the US along with Clinton. Iran contra. This fraud is not a patriot. He comes off like a good guy and a patriot but make no mistake he is neither.

  3. Armored Anvil says:

    Here is how we know Blm, AntiFa and protesters/looters/rioters are misdirected and just anti-American. Here it is; if they really wanted change they would be burning down banks, Wallstreet and major corporation buildings.

  4. Russ Wray says:

    biden has been a pathetic liar all of his life, and a sexual pervert. lookup black conservative patriot on Ashly dairy ,about biden will make you sick

  5. Lesley Stevens says:

    Good going Dan! Looking good for 45. Another Proof that living a conservative life will keep you whole and looking good. Conservative women are usually quite attractive too. The left? Oooof.

  6. Edenfield House says:

    As Americans, whenever we hear of "bias", it's really corruption… It's sad. Please look up the Transition Integrity Project. When Biden wins, the Left wins. When Trump wins, the left wins. They have pre-gamed our demise and we must fight back. The plan is frightening!!!

  7. Nick English says:

    Trump just got big endorsement from the Philadelphia police department and the Philadelphia police chief because Philadelphia’s Democratic socialist Myer told his police force to stand down this is not working out for the democrats politically Nationwide

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