
Despite claiming to be unbiased before the election, members of the mainstream media continue to back Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. One America’s Christina Howitson has the latest.

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46 replies
  1. j nolasco says:

    All the qualities of the left so far:
    Basic Principles of Mass Indoctrination
    Start while they're young.
    Create the illusion of political freedom.
    Use simplistic stereotypes to sway public opinion.
    Mix facts with lies.
    A big lie is more convincing than a small lie.
    Give the masses “bread and circuses” to keep them well-fed and distracted.

    Simplify complex issues by portraying them as dichotomies. Eliminate nuance.

    Spread propaganda by all means possible.

    Ostracize dissident voices through ridicule or defamation.

    Faith in the correctness of a religion or ideology is more powerful than force.

    Manipulate history records to support your religion or ideology.

    The masses are less swayed by reason than by stirring their emotions

    Drive the opposition in a corner. When they fight back, act like a victim.

    Label all non-conformistic behavior as pathological and promote “cures” for them.

    Use rituals and mass events to keep people occupied and strengthen their faith.

  2. River Banks says:

    I realize what you mean! It is in GODS HAND! Either person will be put in by GOD. Depending on HIS PLAN! The near future may be dark if it is Gods plan! It may be bright if it is God’S plan! We don’t know his timeline! But if you have JESUS, He said not to worry about these things that MUST COME TO PASS!

  3. Larue77 says:

    Yes, the media is biased against President Trump. They are also biased against Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Adolph Hitler. The media knows for a fact that Trump tells outrageous lies every day, that he is far and away the most dishonest President in their lifetime. The media knows for a fact that Trump has caused a huge number of avoidable deaths by his false happy talk about Covid. The media is biased against Trump because Trump is a horrible leader.

  4. Lord Jesus says:

    Media fake news and big tech are communists!!!! Wake up people!!!! Our country is on the line!!!! Vote Red!!!! Trump/Pence 2020!!!! Red Tsunami November 3rd 2020!!!!

  5. Andrew Dock says:

    One America News has now replaced Fox among thinking Conservative people the unthinking one's watch Fox (CNN lite) l have stopped watching it and I won't go back.


    Tuesday Rasmussen Reports, DJT's favorite poll has Biden leading by 2%. Unlike 2016 DJT hasn't put any $ into his campaign. He sure has been taking it out thru office rents his companies are charging campaign, in the millions. Leaving his losers and suckers to foot his broke campaign. He's not throwing his money away, only his losers and suckers are.

  7. dawn brady says:

    When people that arent anywhere near events and the viewing public know they are being fed lies and out right slander the topic is always given by the msm. WE THE PEOPLE know the whole truth no matter how they portray our president.

  8. Ken Rik says:

    Everyone knows MSM is fake news and becoming obsolete as a reliable news source. They’re going all-in on stupid by supporting Biden, but that’s their only card left to play.

  9. Nick Kelly says:

    .walk, crawl, roll, wheelbarrow, rollerblade, bike, President Trump, THE OUTSIDER, THE NON POLITICIAN, been standing on your behalf for 4 years, while under attack 24/7/365. It is now your turn, Stand Up For Him. "GET OUT AND VOTE".

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