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35 replies
  1. Sibyl7 1 says:

    Everyone should call up the police department and ask why they cannot arrest Antifa ? BLM plan to riot no matter whom wins. With Trump in charge of FEMA I hope they enjoy that.

  2. i4Ni C says:

    The family called the cops to come save THEIR a55es…a55es saved…why the fu@k did you save our a55es, you dirty pigs. That's a setup.

  3. NOBULL ziggster says:

    I like how this is one sided? NOT today folks… The use of a TASER device has a greater deployment range than batons, pepper spray, or empty hand techniques. This allows police to maintain a greater distance. If the police are trained they could have used many different techniques then a bullet.

  4. SamRock says:

    The folks in Philly will need to drum up some new fake cause in December so they can do all their Chrisymas Shopping without paying for anything.

  5. Pamela Thomas says:

    DISTRACTION preparing for outcome of the election.Same Pattern of the week of Floyd repeated. Control it now.
    Mother should be charged with manslaughter for allowing a child with issues to endanger himself. Start making parents responsible for their children.
    Parents was dragged to count for simple things like not attending school. Now they just get paid for simply not parenting.

  6. John Tafoya says:

    BBM black babies matter 1000 babies daily are killed at the hands of abortion clinics like Planned Parent Parenthood. Why don't they protest them for all the children that are being murdered. Why isn't there a uproar Within every community in the United States to stop this senseless Slaughter

  7. michael says:

    Riots should be shutdown from the beginning, By the State Governor’s and Mayors! Trump is not responsible for controlling these Riots, only support if asked for. State and City Leaders should be held responsible, Criminally and Financially!!!😡😡😡


    The engagement rules I was trained under in regards to Edged Weaponry(knives swords) is if the person engaging you gets to with in 10 feet of UNLESS YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR WEAPON ENGAGED, you are probably going to get cut or stabbed if you have to stop and draw your weapon

  9. Mike Speelman says:

    Leftist see now, that the Antifa and BLM pauze has no positive effect on the voters, just less enthusiasm for the Democrat nominees.
    So they are sending their footsoldiers back on the street again, by using this tragedy (where the police cannot be blamed for, because they were attacked by someone with a knife) as an excuse.
    Read my lips! The rioting will continue till after the elections, because the leftists has nothing to loose anymore.

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