
After Hours catches up with Kiera O’Brien – conservative commentator – to discuss the conservative appeal to America’s youth and how the impact of Amy Coney Barret’s confirmation is changing that.

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28 replies
  1. J S says:

    Future of the GOP? No we want young conservative who are America Fist and not Israel Fist. Who are pro worker, pro family, anti migration

  2. Debra P says:

    Millennials are not maturing out of the democrat party like their parents because they cannot afford to get married, buy a house, have children and save money. They have to live in group houses or stay wi tug h parents. The central bank has created so much inflation from as all the debt we are all unable to dig out. It's not environmental issues. Its healthcare costs, housing costs, stagnant wages, and debt.

  3. vanen rahgozar says:

    This girl is RINO. btw the problem for Republicans is cultural power. you need free news network like CBS NBC ABC. You need entertainment domination. You need education domination.

  4. George G says:

    Great topic just before an election. Why not say Joe is right and being locked down saves the environment. Also because lockdown drops surface population in 3 World countries.

  5. William McDaniel says:

    I personally think that the younger generation are Ignorant and Stupid. They are Definitely Not Educated. This is the Problem. Whole Cities was destroyed by earthquakes, sunamies and other natural disasters throughout history. Yet, they was not as populated. Nor did they have the modern technology and conveniences we have today. I honestly believe that a whole lot of throw backs use certain issues as a stepping stone to undermine our economy and our way of life.

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