
Officials from Israel and Sudan are set to travel to D.C. to formally sign a peace agreement that was brokered by the Trump administration.
One America’s Stephanie Myers speaks with the founder and CEO of Genesis 10, Harley Lippman, who is also an executive committee member on AIPAC to discuss the significance.

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20 replies
  1. Kal says:

    💕 ThankQPresident Donald J.Trump for your continuing hard work, honesty, integrity, bravery and Patriotism, YOU + ARE + APPRECIATED!!!! DJT2Q2Q 💕

  2. About Facts says:

    Sorry folks but all of the wonderful rallies by Trump, the “freedom rallies” that have been recently taking place in California, ANYTHING the Trump Administration does to successfully investigate the “pay for influence” schemes and scams by Joe Biden, and any and all peace deals are totally meaningless if our Democrat leaders are successful in their massive mail-in ballot box voter fraud scheme. By the way, what federal law enforcement agencies are primed and ready to counter any and all voter fraud attempts? They have 4 days before the election so why not focus on the millions of votes that have already been received, check them for authenticity, and throw out the bogus votes?

  3. Redwoodimage says:

    Trump HAtes veterans he turn the veterans benefit into casino game, Under the new rules, passed in 2017, VA no longer has an expansive duty to assist requirement to serve veterans in securing their benefits once denied in most instances. The new appeals process turned a straightforward process into a menu of options mired in legalese that makes pro se veterans dependent on VSOs and attorneys for help. Many veterans will wind up being robbed of backpay they deserve if they are fortunate enough to properly address the errors in the appeals process.

  4. Susan D says:

    Stop killing and displacing people and bombing other countries and maybe there will be peace.
    Israel has funded and armed both sides of the Sudanese conflicts.

  5. L i s t e n 2 L e a r n . says:

    . Yay!!! More Good News!!!

  6. T Clodfelter says:

    OANN…PLEASE have your subscribers CHECK their Bell Notification icons! I spent over an hour today after I found a channel TURNED OFF! OVER TWO DOZEN CHANNELS HAD THEIR NOTIFICATIONS TURNED OFF!! Some channels, even AFTER I turned it BACK ON at the main page…individual videos STILL SHOWED IT TURNED OFF!! AMERICA NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!

  7. Evil Exposed says:

    Trump says: “We will keep the country open while protecting the most vulnerable”. Is that true? Find any vulnerable person (anyone over the age of 65 will do) and ask them what Trump is doing to protect them? The honest answers are: “I don’t know” or “nothing”. Just another Trump Lie! In fact, Trump is doing the opposite by not mandating masks in public areas and instead “down playing” (lying about) the usefulness of lock-downs and using masks as is evident in how other countries managed this pandemic. All the US had to do is lock-down for six weeks the affected regions to get a hold of the pandemic and almost everything could have returned back to normal starting in mid to end of February. Much fewer people would have died. Instead, the pandemic continues to rage and kill people MORE THAN EVER!!! The virus is alive in America and is being exported to other countries. Great America? Really? Just Embarrassing Right?

  8. Jim Williams says:

    TRUMP THE PEACE MAKER = NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 👮‍♀️👮🏼‍♂️👩🏼‍🚒👨🏻‍✈️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. thepointyend says:

    Sudan is definitely a complex country. I used to fly tourists to Port Sudan, even during the era of piracy on those seas. No tourist diving boats were ever hi-tacked. Clearly, the pirates were operating under orders and those orders did not include hurting what tourism existed.

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