
Omaha, NE President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/27/20

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31 replies
  1. GC W says:

    Joe Biden Publicly Announced today, that He is know Longer Running for President of the United States in 2020 Presidential Election.
    He Announced He was now Kamala Harris Running Mate ! That Means that the DNC PICK OF JOE BIDEN per the 2020 US Voting Ballot, is now invalid and Forfeited in the Democratic Pick for President. With Joe Biden withdrawing his Presidential Campaign for President. The 2020 Election goes to the Republican Candidate, Donald Trump.

  2. Mary Portz says:

    I live in the burbs its bull💩that we pay taxes on our homes just to let people in that don't care strive for a better life just get their free ride already happening We need President Trump vote Red ..🇺🇸❤

  3. RealEyes says:

    What single individual in the History of the World has stood and faced the globalist and made them shake in their shoes with mortal fear other than We The People's President Donald J. Trump????? ZERO. Barry Soetoro put OUR Country in debt more than all previous Presidents combined. President Donald J. Trump will be OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE >>> greater than all previous Presidents combined. From Barry > to The Donald = zero > to HERO!!!

  4. April Sim says:

    It is obvious now that if Biden & Harris are not campaigning vigorously then they are relying on their "extensive & inclusive voter fraud organization" to deliver the victory to them. America, wake up & do your part – vigilance means voting in person, voting early, & volunteer to look out for voter fraud, encourage people to vote for a safe & vibrant America by voting out the Biden.

  5. Grimm Light says:

    The only way Trump loses if were being honest is only because of massive voter fraud and corruption. If this was done legitimately and honestly then Trump would already be re-elected. We all know the Democrats and Washington are going to new lows everyday to get power once again.

  6. Bytor 1001 says:

    “I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people. We want top of the line professionals.”

    -Donald Trump

    Arrested, Jailed, or Indicted:

    Paul Manafort
    Rick Gates
    Michael Flynn
    Michael Cohen
    Ken Kurson
    Roger Stone
    George Papadopoulos
    Corey Lewandowski
    Steve Bannon
    Brad Parscale
    Elliott Broidy
    George Nader
    Imaad Zuberi
    Lev Parnas
    Igor Fruman
    Chris Collins
    Duncan Hunter
    Sam Patten

    -Daily Beast
    October 28

  7. Kathie Carter says:

    Compare the Right to the Left from a gardening perspective. You'd add compost to the soil, then the seeds and water! Trust in God to do the rest! The Left would eliminate all that and expect it to grow on its own!

  8. William Farr says:

    I watched this LIVE last night on the big screen & I have to say it warms my heart to see Americans coming together like this in FULL support of their President…
    Joe had a rough day yesterday, he forgot the President's name. Last week he forgot Mitt Romney's name, which is understandable, lol… Recently he stated, I'm Joe Biden & I'm running for the US Senate. Earlier in the campaign whilst he was in Manchester, NH he said " What a nice day here in Vermont "…
    FOUR MORE YEARS for our non-politician, Donald J. Trump… Support Our Police – Law & Order – God Bless America… :~)

  9. Fred Lenway says:

    gosh I wish this campaign could go on for an extra two or three months.
    it's been so exciting all of the revelations all of the shifting sands.
    all of the deception all of the lies.
    I'm stunning amazed at how the president is able to carry on with such vigor night after night after night he amazes me.
    I've been sure all along that he's going to win the election but I just wish it would could go on this bickering and fighting and nonsense and lies and hyperbole.
    did you know that I'm kidding right. we got all of the pools saying biden's going to win and we got all of the evidence before our very eyes that says Trump is going to win in a landslide.
    I for one and sick and tired of this whole campaign.
    I am so looking forward to the progress that we're going to make in the next four years with a new Trump administration

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