
One America’s Christina Bobb explains the liberal media’s plan to trick viewers into not believing what they see with their own eyes and the likelihood of a Trump victory on Election Day.


25 replies
  1. Chosen Awesome says:

    Harris/Biden= Communism
    Trump/Pence= Freedom
    Today's the day we gonna make history together people.
    All you moderate Dems, Libertarians, Independents and lovers of Peace and God, the rest of the world are counting on you to vote emasse.
    Make it impossible to manipulate the results.
    Above all, watch and pray during the elections and after the results are announced.

  2. Susie Q says:

    It’s disgusting that if Trump wins, we’ll have unrest in our streets because of the dems … and if biden wins we’ll have the downfall of our America as we know it!! Never thought I would live to see this!!!

  3. Kyle Sinclair says:

    ‘Your not accounting for some rational factor’… yeah.. their ONLY rational factor is election fraud.. the AG for PA already tweeted trump can’t win PA… funny since they don’t start counting mail in ballots until today. Trump wins hands down. Anything else is a coup

  4. John Wheeler says:

    @Christine Bobb – The democrats aren't considering a "win". They plan to "steal" the election. Trump always seems to be two steps ahead though. The result is usually "them" hanging "themselves" with the slack rope.

  5. DocSiders says:

    Without a $Billion worth of free promotion by the Press every month, there would be few Democrats winning anything anywhere.

    That "Free Advertising" should be ruled "IN KIND" donations from the MSM to the Democrats… that would make the propaganda illegal.

    It isn't "Press"… it's Advertising in the form of Media. That's the definition of Propaganda.

    To achieve any lasting frerdom, Americans must destroy our lying enemies in the Press.

  6. Samogitien Sarmatian says:

    Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden made another Freudian slip, saying, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The President Donald Trump campaign quickly seized on this revelatory slip of the tongue and memorialized it in a campaign ad.
    Joe Biden said his campaign has assembled the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” in a podcast published Saturday — an unfortunate slip of the tongue, as the presidential election will likely see major legal battles over the legitimacy of millions of ballots cast via mass-mail voting.

  7. Joseph Troiano says:

    I believe the deep state and Democrat party controlled media have been posting false polls claiming Biden is ahead so they can accuse Trump of doing something illegal to win the election, thus causing more turmoil in the country.

  8. MET says:

    OAN the Best news station it tells the Truth, does not sugar coat anything !!! True Reporters and Journalists!!! All the other news stations have been bought for the exception of a true journalist; such as Tucker, Laura, Gutfeld, Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Levine , very few!!Thank you OAN staying true

  9. Thomas McCaffrey says:

    We have to include cheating into the calculation and that’s a difficult thing to calculate. Hillary cheated a lot and it was enough votes. But the electoral college stopped her. God stopped her. And that’s who we have on our side is God and I believe it!

  10. Michael Meyer says:

    We fought to Free ourselves from Englands Monarchy, so Why would anyone buy into leftwing socialist LIE? You want to be socialist…go to China, Russia, we can help you pack

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