
A California family received social media backlash after their house burned down because they support President Trump. One America’s Kyarra Harris has the story.

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32 replies
  1. rain dust says:

    **The true Gospel is the Truth, our Lord, the false Gospel is from a ❤️ of flesh. To discern the condition of our souls lost in this world or found in God justified saved by grace through faith Matthew 12 : 37
    Our Lord And God is the Truth and our enemy is a liar,
    God said "pray for your enemy do good to those who mistreat you"
    Forsake all and follow me.*
    Pride closes the doors from humility, where as, humility is the essential ingredient of love. God is good,. And He is love but pride is wicked lust wrapped in treacherous behavior. Choose God

  2. oiujlp;k Foxworth says:

    Under 30 uneducated and brainwashed media muppets who have no clue about reality, not in a long shot. Trump is going to crush this election and sit in that chair for another 4 years.

  3. . says:

    This idiot says Mother Nature doesn't like Trump Supporters, I guess that is why California has burst into flames and is burning out of control nothing to do with mostly democrats living there for over 50 years, its more so that Satan probably lives in Hollywood and that is why California is always on fire.

  4. bodybuilder slave says:

    Meanwhile those same azzholes claim the black truck tried to force biden bus off road when a biden staffer's car tried to push the black truck off the road that was a lane over not behind the bus.

  5. Barbara Rowley says:

    Just goes to show how disgusting the liberal left is. Don't pay attention to their tweets, they have no life and are very jealous of what you have and they have nothing not even a soul. You can rebuild, l am so sorry this happened to you. Stay strong.

  6. Curt Brennan says:

    Ma'am…..the problem is, Liberals don't think with their brains….they think with their feelings. Facts, Figures and Common Sense go right over their stupid heads, so just consider the source and IGNORE THIER HATE!!!

  7. Kerri says:

    The left is so ugly and hateful it’s disgusting!
    We would donate to them if they had a Go Fund Me page.
    Even though The Go Fund Me organization is full on left!

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