
Dubuque, IA President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 11/1/20

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45 replies
  1. americafirstgal says:

    YT has been deleting this post so hopefully you can see it

    Let's NEVER FORGET what the Democrats have put our nation through the past four years, and OUR MONEY they have wasted persecuting Trump, as well as ALL of the Americans who support him.

    Let's also never forget the people who have been physically @bused and ki11ed just for supporting our President, and all of the businesses and livelihoods destroyed by the l00ting and ri0ting that was ALLOWED to take place in Democratic run cities. THIS MUST ALL END! Vote RED across the board.

  2. Nenette L. says:

    Whoa!!! What is the reason for extending days of counting mail in ballots??? They keep talking about this and that percent of people have already voted and they are for Biden and Republicans will vote in person on election day. I don't get the cocern that democrats have. They haven't counted the mail in ballots, yet? How can they say it is for Biden??? SMH!!!

  3. Andrew Sitto says:

    The first Democrat President to be elected since the Civil War, Andrew Johnson, was Grover Cleveland. As the 22nd US President Cleveland agreed with the Democrat racist Southerners in their reluctance to treat African Americans as social and political equals, and made special efforts to reach out to Democrats and former Confederates in the South to assure them they had a friend in the White House. He also opposed integrated schools and saw African Americans as inferior. He opposed efforts to protect the suffrage of African Americans. Cleveland nominated 4 Supreme Court justices including
    Chief Justice Melville Fuller who decided Plessy v. Ferguson, a major landmark decision of the U.S Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial public segregation laws and Jim Crow Laws. Grover nominated Justice Lucious Lamar who purchased a plantation, owned many slaves and opposed the Reconstruction. During reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan and others used lynching as means to control Black people, forcing them to work for planters and preventing them from exercising their right to vote. It was not until Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1871 (AKA ku Klux Klan Act) which largely broke up the Reconstruction-era Klan. Justice Lamar, however, did not consider freedman and other black Americans fit to vote. Lamar voted against rights for African Americans.

    After the assassination of 23rd Republican President Harrison, Grover Cleveland was re-elected as the 24th President for a second term. It was during his second administration where he was able to appoint Justice Rufus Peckham and Justice Douglass White both who ruled with the majority in Plessy v. Ferguson. Justice Rufus Peckham appointed by Grover also voted to up uphold Jim Crow Laws. Peckham showed no interest and was unimpressed with claims of equality in racial equality questions. He repeatedly joined decisions that upheld racial segregation in public and private facilities and allowed southern states to restrict black political participation. Peckham dissented when the Fuller Court which confronted lynching and mob violence. Last, Justice Douglass White was nominated to the US Supreme Court by President Cleveland and was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and endorsed racial segregation in Plessy v. Ferguson.

    The first Democrat President to be elected since Grover Cleveland was Woodrow Wilson. As the 28th President, Wilson, believed in segregation. President Woodrow Wilson was very much behind the Jim Crow and promoted Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws prevented African Americans from having a vote and restricting black rights. It was made so that African Americans could never influence the country. In fact, he allowed his cabinet officials to expand segregation within government departments in ways that hadn’t been allowed since the end of the Civil war. One tactic used to segregate was by putting an African American in charge because segregationist were afraid there would probably be enough African American individuals to influence and if they all voted then change would happen, the white supremacist knew that. So what they did was introduce literacy tests which blocked African Americans from voting because the majority of African American people at the time could not read or write. It was a clever way to have African Americans to not influence the country because they knew they couldn’t read or write, but they also knew that because of Republican passed law, everyone has rights under the constitution including to vote. So the literacy test was introduced to stop black people and it worked. They knew that the vast majority of people were not able to be part of an election. Certainly no where near the amount they needed to actually influence things. Wilson also supported D.W. Griffith’s film “Birth of a Nation” and even included the following quote from his book, “History of the American People”: “The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation… until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”

    The first Democrat President to be elected since Woodrow Wilson was Franklin D. Roosevelt. As the 32nd President, the Jim Crow Laws of Wilson still existed. FDR made little progress on civil rights. For example, under the Works Progress Administration, blacks received less pay than whites for the same work. During the Great Depression, unemployment for blacks was at 50%, twice the rate of whites. Jim Crow laws and segregation were still widespread, even The New Deal discriminated against African Americans. Whites got the pick of the jobs and the higher wage. The New Deal did not favor demands for integration. FDR wouldn’t risk caving to southern Democrat Senators. So education, work and transportation all remained segregated under Jim Crow Laws. The southern Democrats in the Senate held the New Deal hostage and refused to move on New Deal issues unless the Democrat party backed off the anti-lynching bills which was filibustered to death. FDR chose to hold onto the southern Democrat vote instead. Southern Democrats used lynching to intimidate black people from voting and enforce the white supreme standards rule. Democrat Senator Richard Russell, for whom one of the three senate office buildings is still named after filibustered a 1935 anti-lynching bill for six days in order to kill it, three decades later he also filibustered the 1964 civil rights bill. Democrat senators even threatened not to support WWII bills unless their colleagues dropped anti-lynching legislation. The Republican Congress continued to sponsor anti-lynching legislation after FDR’s death in 1945.
    FDR had three different Vice Presidents throughout his Presidency. Vice President Harry S. Truman, Henry A. Wallace and John Nance Garner. FDR’s VP Truman’s attitude toward race were shaped by his youth in Missouri. His grandparents owned slaves; his mother was interned by Union troops during the Civil War, and remained “violently unreconstructed” for the rest of her life. Truman developed “an abiding belief in white supremacy”. Vice President Truman was elected in the Democrat senate in 1935. In 1911, Truman wrote to his future wife, “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s honest and decent and not a ———“ and “It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strong on the opinion ———- ought to be in Africa”. In a letter to his wife in 1939 he referred to “——— picnic day.” In Addition, FDR packed the courts by appointing 8 members to the Supreme Court. Justice Hugo Black, who has espoused anti-Catholic views and was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama. Black became a member of the Robert E. Lee Klan No. 1 in Birmingham. It was reported that he had been given a “grand passport” granting him life membership to the Ku Klux Klan. As a Senator, Black filibustered the Republican Anti-Lynching Bill. Argued to restrict and limit the scope of the Civil Rights Act 1918. In 1968, he said, “unfortunately there are some who think that ——— should have special privileges under the law.” This ruling affected all other states where the party used the white primary rule.
    During World War II, an executive order severely restricting the rights of Japanese Americans and ordering 110,000 to be relocated to internment camps. Gordon Hirabayashi, a student at the University of Washington, challenged the executive order before the Supreme Court — and lost.

    The KKK used methods like tarring and feathering African Americans this is pouring boiling hot tar over a half naked individual and attaching feathers to them to humiliate the individual. They would whip and execute African Americans in public and there favorite method was lynching. They disguised themselves in white robes so you don’t know their identity. In the early 1920’s there was 5M members in the Ku Klux Klan. In the 1930’s they were still a powerful organization. They would burn giant crosses in the back yard to mark territory to threat off people. A very scary organization crippled with Jim Crow Laws led over 5M people away from the south known as the great migration.

    The equality between whites people and colored people was not seen here even though they were separated. The segregation was also spotted in the Armed Forces in US military. The black units and white units were established. The white units would lead the black units. The redlining, mortgage discrimination and public policy use are the main causes of the contemporary racial segregation in United States. The colored people in 1930’s had different entrances when they went to a movie theater. There was separate accommodations provided by the railroad company for the white and colored people such as the waiting rooms. The railroad cars were used based on their race, such as prohibition for the blacks to use the railroads for whites. The Jim Crow laws were standard laws in the US at this time. The public funding for each student African-American schools was less than that of white students.

  4. Andrew Sitto says:

    Presidential history of the Democrat party since its inception on race:
    The 7th President was the founder of the Democrat party. Democrat President Andrew Jackson bought and had slaves. After leaving the WH with 8 women & 6 male slaves. He even hired out from other slave owners in D.C. including an 8 year old named Emeline and a 9 year old Jim. There is proof that he even ordered inventory of all of his slaves. It is on record that Jackson ordered the inventory of his slaves, “inventory” meaning— names, ages, familial relationships of 95 enslaved individuals who lived and worked at the hermitage. Jackson had health care for his slaves the reason is he understood they were likely to revolt or run away without health and even bragged “I treat my ———- with humanity” Jackson, had a manservant in the WH named George a 20. George slept in the presidents room on a pallot next to the presidents bed as his manservant always on call for decades. Many of Jackson’s enslaved staff came into the White House through purchase and he increased the number of enslaved people & decreased the number of free people. Jackson hired servants in his household over the course of his presidency to save money. Enslaved laborers were a cost-cutting measure. Democrat President Jackson bought slaves.

    The 8th President of the United States was Democrat party founder. In 1837, Martin Van Buren was born into a farm with a father who owned slaves. As president, he appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and Peter Vivian Daniel decided the Dred Scott opinion that declared that all blacks as well as free— were not and could never become citizens of the United States. Justice Daniel was the largest supporter of slavery in Taneys court. In his opinion he states, “the African ——- race never have been acknowledged as belonging to the family of nations” and affirmed the Fugitive Slave Act which provided the return of enslaved people who escaped from one state or territory. President Buren, vowed to use veto power to protect slavery. President Buren was president during the Amistad trial & lost re-election for this.

    The next Democrat President was John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States. A Jeffersonian Democrat, he owned slaves and supported the institution of slavery and never freed them. Tyler committed to the preservation of slavery. This Democrat President was responsible for the compromise of 1850 which entailed a series of laws that allowed enslavement in the new territories and forced officials in free states states to give a hearing to slave-owners who enslaved people without a jury. This Democrat President was responsible for the creation of the Racist Democrat Southern Confederacy.

    The 11th President was Democrat. President James K. Polk. He used slave labor at the WH and secretly purchased enslaved people & separated children slaves age 10-17 from their families while in office. Polk acted like a good slave owner who only did it because he inherited them from his family members. Polk establishes a plantation & practiced slavery for remainder of life. Polk died with 8,000 acres & 53 slaves to family. His plantations name was Somerville and he had it in 1831. Polk turned his plantation into an “absentee planter”. He had many issues with runaway slaves & expanded further south. Polk said, “the ———- have no idea that they are going to be sent to the south, and I do not wish them to know it, and therefore it would be best to say nothing about it at home, for it might be conveyed back to them.”

    The 14th US President was Democrat. Franklin Pierce was ranked as the worst president of all time. At his Democrat Convention, the delegates easily agreed upon a platform pledging undeviating support of the compromise of 1850 and hostility to any efforts to agitate the slavery question. Democrat Pierce led the country into civil war and had policies from slave supporters. He brokered the Southern Railroad which was built almost exclusively by slaves for slaves. He was responsible for the Southern Railroad, not the Northern Railroad.

    The 15th President was Democrat. James Buchanan, who decided to end troubles in Kansas by urging the admission of the territory as a slave state. As President, the Supreme Court was considering the legality of restricting slavery in the territories. The Democrat president, in his inaugural address the president stated, “happily, a matter of but little importance.” President Buchanan decided to end the troubles in Kansas by urging the admission of the territory as a slave state from the western expansion. Buchanan denied legal right of states to secede.

    With the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the 17th President was Democrat. Andrew Johnson was an old-fashioned Southern Jacksonian Democrat. President Johnson came up with the “black codes” AKA “Jim Crow laws” to regulate the freedman and Republicans moved vigorously to change Johnson’s program. Johnson vetoed Republican legislation banning senators from the old Democrat confederacy who wanted pre-war race restrictions and luckily Republicans had enough votes in congress to pass legislation to override his veto— the first time that Congress had overridden a President on a bill in American History. Later, Republicans passed the Civil rights Act of 1866, which established American citizenship to African American individuals and forbade discrimination against them. The minority Democrat senate overwhelmingly voted against the 14th amendment. As the overwhelming majority, the Republicans in Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment, which specified that no state should “Deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Majority of Democrat Senators voted against the 14th amendment. Democrat President Andrew Johnson fought for Jim Crow Laws which Republicans abolished with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1864.

  5. Andrew Sitto says:

    Election Fraud Alert:
    Push back on massive Mail ballots. Ripping up of Republican ballots or falsely putting legal ballots in the illegal ballot pile for personal party gain. They’re going to say your vote was not post-marked properly!
    Left wants to benefit from the voter fraud that will result. Just look at NY primaries, it took them over a month after the primaries and they still haven’t figured it out. They threw out 20% of the ballots, do you want your ballot to be one of them? We are mailing 43,000,000 mass ballots, ballots that no one asked for. This excludes the ballots you requested & verified for. On these ballots, there is no actual citizen verification check if someone says they are an American citizen on their ballot. Ballots for dead people. Counting 17 days after the election. It’s not just the presidential contest, there is senate contest, house contest and many more public office roles. The other contests will be even more significantly impacted, we can’t let any of it happen. It’s not a secure way to vote, even where it is secured, it’s not secured enough. In-person.

    Pennsylvania and North Carolina has two million extra names on the roles. For example, In one county Allegheny county was notified to remove 69,000 extra false names from their roles. A pool of “inactive” registered voters that are drawn for fraud. Dirty voting roles = dirty elections.
    In 2019, 2.5 million extra names were on the roles. Counties in Pennsylvania are not cleaning their list, people that are dead and moved away, where the county even knows they moved away, are not cleaning up their list. Deeply disturbing.

    Again, there is no citizenship verification for aliens. Most states have no voter ID at all or inadequate voter ID. Most states have no real bar if you show up to vote without an ID or acceptable ID is so broad, you might as well not even have voter ID at all. States like California, sending out tens of millions of ballots to people unasked. New Jersey, New York, Illinois, DC. 15 big states have no voter ID. 25 have sub-standard voter ID. 10 states have strong voter ID requirements. So millions of people don’t have to show ID to vote? Is that ok? Do you feel reassured that elections will be clean and fair in those localities?

    The left will always act like there is no voter fraud or it’s not substantial. One vote can make or break a race. Should your legal vote be negated and then added with an illegal vote? The reason why we have votes in the first place is to have a clean count.

  6. new chris says:

    And I'm proud to be an American

    Where at least I know I'm free

    And I won't forget the men who died

    Who gave that right to me

    And I'd gladly stand up

    Next to you and defend her still today

    Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land

    God bless the USA

  7. Kal says:

    €£¥₩💕 President Donald J.Trump:  throughout your mission and duty and honor you have always remembered that you were born of love. The entire world is with you sharing the load. We are all your family. Feel blessed to be apart of all the gifts you share with us, the Q's, the hints, the facts, the images, the heart breaking realities. The truth makes us unite. Remembering distracted values. Wars, misdirections and distractions divided us but now you move us all closer together uniting naturally. The entire world is with you, sharing the load. We love you. We are all supporting you. Your Patriotic Team is making the world great again. In Jesus mighty name we pray for you all… Amen. God bless you Sir, God bless America, God bless the world. WWG1WGA  world × wide, TRUMP TSUNAMI  2Q2Q. VOTE × VOTE × VOTE × YOUR × VOICE × MATTERS !!!!  💕₩)8(*€_

  8. Wag The Dog says:

    God bless our great POTUS!! We LOVE YOU ❤️✝️🙏🏻🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

  9. Dayvin Knemeyer says:

    Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Assistant Attorney General Derek Taylor are involved in the Organized Crime Scandal by providing assistance to criminals using our Taxpayer dollars… Attorney William Pickett who was the President of the Washington Bar Association and Foundation Member at the Washington State Bar Association Deleted my Posts and is involved in covering up the Organized Crime that I am Exposing… Seattle, WA Attorney DAVID O and David O Defense Firm stole $10,000 cash paid in full from me by abandoning me and breaking our contract in my Federal Court Lawsuit because David O was threatened and/or bribed…David O filed Paperwork in the Federal Court on my behalf… My attorney David O is abandoning me in my federal court case after I told him I wanted him to file the Contract that has my settlement offer in it and states, “Parties. I, Dayvin Knemeyer, retain David O Defense for representation on the matter of obtaining his Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene degree from Yakima Valley Community College. In the alternative, if Mr. Knemeyer is not provided his degree we would pursue a lawsuit, including trial if necessary, for the same and damages. (Dayvin and David O signed contract 6/21/2019) The contract also states, “Retainer. David O Defense agrees to provide all legal services for a flat fee of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) Mr. Knemeyer has paid in full the retainer agreement. (Dayvin and David O signed contract 6/21/2019) …See our Contract through Videos or Evidence on Facebook or YouTube because I currently do not have my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree that I earned and I have all the evidence to prove this on Facebook and YouTube…You will see Evidence of how many of these criminals are using illegal software which is proved with Judge Jan Barnette in a Court Hearing that is included in my Facebook and YouTube Videos… Healthcare Insurance Fraud regarding Dr. Blake Perry in Mount Vernon, WA at Perry Family Dental and Dr. Charles Morgan in Ocean Shores, WA at Ocean Shores Dental, the Department of Health and Labor Industries Obstructed Justice by covering up the crimes… You will learn about Discrimination, Retaliation, Fraud, Racketeering/Organized Crime…and how teachers are stealing from Children and Students at Yakima College, Wenatchee College, The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Mansfield School District Washington State K-12, and Government Corruption at the Local, State, and Federal Level…Ring Leader Yakima Valley College Teacher and Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Cheri Podruzny put in the order for Wenatchee Valley College English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin to illegally remove, not install, and misrepresent my Assignment Requirements in my English 203 Research Class, so Cheri Podruzny could deny my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree… In an email Cheri Podruzny accepted the English 203 Research class at Wenatchee Valley College as the last college coursework I needed to complete in order to obtain my BASDH Degree. (See evidence numbered: 000110 or page 110 in the evidence section, etc.) On Jan 11, 2018, 5:24 PM I received an email from Cheri Podruzny the Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Teacher and Program Coordinator that states, “Hello Dayvin, I met with Dean Paulette Lopez this morning to discuss your concerns. She is copied on this email. Please see answers to your questions below: Question 1: Does ENG 203 at Wenatchee Valley College meet the equivalency of the Yakima Valley College ENG 203 and the BASDH degree requirement? Yes. Please see emails sent to you on December 11 from Sherrie Warren and on December 12 from Donna Fulton. Question 2: What grade requirement is acceptable on the ENG 203 class for meeting the BASDH degree requirement? 2.0 "C" Question 3: Does Cheri approve my Math that I have already completed for meeting the BASDH degree requirement? Yes. Math 105 meets the State Board for Community and Technical College BAS Math requirement. Please see December 5 email confirmation from Donna Fulton. Question 4: Is the ENG 203 requirement the last course that is need in order to receive my BASDH degree? English 203 is the last college coursework you will need to complete. BA 256 meets the statistics requirement. You will need to submit the Crosswalk petition and pay for BAS 402, 403, and 404. Coursework is not required for these courses. 400 level credits are transcripted for BAS 402, 403, and 404 based on the Dental Hygiene National Board sores submitted in your application. Please contact Donna Fulton for more information on the crosswalk petition process. Question 5: Can Cheri please fill out my Colorado License Paperwork fully completed and done correctly? Please complete the top portions of the form pertaining to your personal information. Donna checked with the registrar today and has informed me that your degree was posted Summer of 2012. You may add this information and send the form directly to Colorado, or you can send it back to the department once your personal information has been completed. We will add the degree date and forward it to Colorado for you. I do apologize for misspelling your first name on the form! Best, Cheri Cheri Podruzny RDH MS Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Yakima Valley College (509) 574-4921 cpodruzny@yvcc.edu” (Podruzny) … I emailed Leslie Lamkin trying to get my Summary #1 Assignment back into the Wenatchee Valley College Canvas Computer System. Leslie Lamkin emails me on June 26, 2018 at 1:49 PM that states, “I can assure you that nobody is going to dig back into the course assignments to make sure you completed all the work listed in the Syllabus.” (Lamkin) Leslie Lamkin knows that Cheri Podruzny changed the Bridge Program Paperwork to make sure I have all the requirements that she knows Leslie Lamkin frauded by illegally removing, not installing, and misrepresenting all my major requirements. This way they both benefit by stealing my money for English Class, the books, the Bridge Program Crosswalk and Fees, and all my hard work spent to get the BASDH Degree that I have proof that I earned.” (See evidence numbered: 000009)… Leslie Lamkin and the Kids in Mansfield are having the same problem with missing assignments. At Mansfield Luke Hall emails Leslie Lamkin and states, “I saw a bunch of your 7th graders are on the D and F list out of your room. Are they missing something or something they need to work on?” (Luke Hall Mansfield) Leslie Lamkin emails Luke Hall and states, “It’s a combination of missing assignments and laziness.” (Leslie Lamkin Mansfield) Luke Hall emails Leslie Lamkin and states, “Ok. Read them the riot act on both.” (Luke Hall Mansfield) The kids in Mansfield are having missing assignments just like I did. I was cheated, so the kids in Mansfield are most likely being cheated too. Why doesn’t anybody care about the kids at Mansfield? (See evidence numbered: (See evidence numbered: 000233-000245, 000249)…Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count…The Government Covered up my Federal Court Lawsuit with Corrupt Bias Judge Salvador Mendoza Jr. in the Eastern District of Washington State… The Corrupt Bias Judge Salvador Mendoza Jr. misrepresents court cases by being involved in putting a 42: 1983 Civil Rights Act Code, not wanting to put in the codes and reasons that I filed the lawsuit such as Fraud and Racketeering, etc. and doesn’t want to talk about why he is representing the case with that 42: 1983 Civil Rights Act Code… A list of some of the other Criminals involved in this Organized Crime Scandal: Yakima Valley College Dean Paulette Lopez, Yakima Valley College President Assistant/Public Records Megan Jensen, Yakima Federal Court Clerk’s Pam Howard and Angela Noel, Richland Federal Court Clerk Debbie Brasel, Wenatchee Valley College President Jim Richardson is involved with this Scandal and other Fraud Scandals see evidence on Facebook or YouTube, Wenatchee Valley College Vice President’s Carli Schiffner and Chio Flores, Wenatchee Valley College Director of Human Resources and Public Records Reagan Bellamy, Wenatchee Valley College Dean’s Joey Walter and Lori Keller, Wenatchee Valley College Dean Lori Keller played musical chairs to avoid accountability and moved to another location after English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin illegally removed my Assignment Requirements, Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges Director of Transfer Education Joyce Hammer, Wenatchee Valley College Vice President Carli Schiffner went up to work with Joyce Hammer at the State Board from Wenatchee Valley College to help cover up the crimes, Mansfield School District WA State K-12 English teacher Leslie Lamkin teaches English at both Mansfield School District Washington State K-12 and Wenatchee Valley College and the Mansfield School Children have missing Assignments through Public Record Proof just like Leslie Lamkin illegally removed, misrepresented, and did not install my Assignment Requirements, United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, United States Office for Civil Rights Seattle Investigator Gregg Hamby, his buddy Seattle Office for Civil Rights Paul Goodwin, and Seattle Office for Civil Rights Manager Linda Mangel, many other Agencies and Criminals involved that are not yet listed or Exposed… I am a Registered Dental Hygienist with a License in both Washington State and Colorado… I do have my Associates of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree and I received an A- in Leslie Lamkin’s English 203 Research Class…

  10. Ordinary Mo says:

    I did not vote for the person, I voted for the platform. I voted for the second Amendment. I voted for the next supreme court justice. I voted for the electoral college, and the Republic that we live in. I voted for the Police, and law and order. I voted for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I voted for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background.
    I voted for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I voted for secure borders. I voted for the farmers. I voted for the right to praise my God without fear. I voted for our children to receive a proper education instead of indoctrination. I voted for every unborn soul that the Democraps wants to abort. I voted for the right to keep my Doctor and the right to choose my own health care plan. I voted for freedom and the American Dream. I voted for good and against evil. I voted for the future of my Country.
    I voted early, I voted in person and I voted a straight red ticket. If anyone sees me as an idiot for voting for Trump then that's their problem, not mine.

  11. About Facts says:

    "You know the thing…Make sure you have the record player on at night…Make sure the kids hear words…Poor kids are just as bright and as talented as white kids." And this is the BEST our Democrat leaders can do? What a farce.

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