
Election Day 2020 was marked with an unprecedented uncertainty in the integrity of the voting system and concerns over possible leftist unrest. One America’s Chanel Rion has more from Washington..

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36 replies
  1. Brian Baker says:

    Don't kid yourself, it won't be peaceful if there's a transfer of leadership. No way legitimately can Biden win. The public knows this. He couldn't even draw a crowd at his rallies and Trump drew thousands of supporters to his. " We the people", have had it with all the corruption. This is what the 2nd amendment was written for.


    we need finger print ID on ALL ballots polling employees are not signiture experts everyone writes different each time that systems a fail fingerprints have to be read by a government computer maybe even a bar code would work given when Registering with an ID and Proof of US citizenship. Mail in voting should be banned except for a person requesting one say if they are in the military over seas or out of state

  3. The Mx American says:

    When we keep our President for another 4 years we have to go after every democrat that conspired to commit yet this another attempted coup. They have to be held responsible. They have to go to prison. ALL of them. We can’t let this continue from the left.

  4. MyBad says:

    Unfortunately I expect this. All one has to do is look at the last four years to see just how far the Dems will go to get back power.

  5. michael vo says:

    THAT IS RIGHT…. We actually have WALKING DEAD GET UP FROM THE GRAVES go voted or Biden.
    This is all set up from top to bottom..included USPS and Votes Center. Think???????

  6. Ivory Coast says:

    the United States needs to split and leave the Democrats to themselves to destroy each other …!!! God help the elderly, unborn, disabled, and all of us IF biden and dem party do not get caught and exposed for their fraud!!! This is a travesty of justice 😠 President Trump was the only president in history that was truly for the American people and promoting the best for our country …And this is how he gets treated…😡 ..I’m ashamed to see What is happening to our country because of the Democrats😓

  7. Sille Drof says:

    Trump has set the democrats up. The democrats have used a program called Scorecard to change the votes in at least 30 states. Trump knew they would try this and now he is in the process of exposing them. Sydney Powell just blew the whistle on Fox business. He also watermarked each state to insure the ballad would be used in the proper state. They have already found 3000 votes from out of state in Nevada and a 6000 vote glitch in Michigan.. Trump has set them up. The democrats have used a program called Scorecard to change the votes in at least 30 states. Trump knew they would try this and now he is in the process of exposing them. Sydney Powell just blew the whistle on Fox business. He also watermarked each state to insure the ballad would be used in the proper state. They have already found 3000 votes from out of state in Nevada and a 6000 vote glitch in Michigan.. @

  8. Happy Camper says:

    Turns out the lawyer army was a ruse, so we'd look for fights AFTER the election not realizing that when Biden came out in election night and said to, "Count every vote! Count every BALLOT!" he meant just that! (exclamation points his cuz he's ALWAYS YELLING! But ballots, all caps, is mine to differentiate between THAT and the word vote, very important to election insiders because they ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS, as anyone who's ever worked in any aspect of the election process fully knows.)
    Yes, Biden probably either misspoke when he said, "vote," or said it to try to confuse people who think they are one and the same.
    They are not. Biden was telling people to release the Kraken and get to cracking open the ballot vault where all the extras were banked since at the hour he spoke, Trump's lead was insurmountable without their cracken getting cracking!

  9. BigScottGames says:

    Like Trump said…Media,Democrats and Big Tech America will never be a Communist's Country…you need to stop your corruption you don't want the American People to Stand up we will overrun you by the millions..Take your stand…We are Taking Ours

  10. Richard Mercer says:

    Listen to this women. She raises some serious issues. This is a critical situation. The future of the United States has never been more at risk. The Republicans cannot let this go unanswered.

  11. Joseph Harris says:

    Psalm 34:11-22
    Have PEACE
    The Passion Translation

    Come, children of God, and listen to me.
    I’ll share the lesson I’ve learned of fearing the Lord.[a]
    Do you want to live a long, good life,
    enjoying the beauty that fills each day?
    Then never speak a lie or allow wicked words
    to come from your mouth.
    Keep turning your back on every sin,
    and make “peace” your life motto.
    Practice being at peace with everyone.[b]
    The Lord sees all we do;
    he watches over his friends day and night.
    His godly ones receive the answers they seek
    whenever they cry out to him.
    But the Lord has made up his mind to oppose evildoers
    and to wipe out even the memory of them
    from the face of the earth.
    Yet when holy lovers of God cry out
    to him with all their hearts,
    the Lord will hear them and come to rescue them
    from all their troubles.
    The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain,
    and he is always ready to restore the repentant one.
    Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones,
    the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated
    by what they face.
    God will be your bodyguard to protect you
    when trouble is near.
    Not one bone will be broken.
    But the wicked commit slow suicide.
    For they hate and persecute the lovers of God.
    Make no mistake about it,
    God will hold them guilty and punish them;
    they will pay the penalty!
    But the Lord has paid for the freedom of his servants,
    and he will freely pardon those who love him.
    He will declare them free and innocent
    when they turn to hide themselves in him.

    PEACE – Shalom

    Psalm 34:14 Twice the Hebrew uses the word shalom.
    This word means much more than peace. It means wholeness, wellness, well-being, safe, happy, friendly, favor, completeness, to make peace, peace offering, secure, to prosper, to be victorious, to be content, tranquil, quiet, and restful.

    The pictographic symbols for the word shalom (shin, lamed, vav, mem) read “Destroy the authority that binds to chaos.” The noun shalom is derived from the verbal root shalam, which means “to restore,” in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order to make someone or something whole and complete.

    So shalom is used to describe those of us who have been provided all that is needed to be whole and complete and break off all authority that would attempt to bind us to chaos.

  12. Treblegne Aicrag says:

    Only you True Americans can fix this election fraud. Goto to the streets and support your President Trump to bring back your country’s greatness. Show to the world the Real Democracy and show to the world that you really the US of A the most powerful country on earth. .

  13. JIM S says:

    Some news outfits are called biased partisan Fake News and Some democrats are called demonrats for their notorious illicit corruptive acts besides their immoral standard of lying and cheating. Keep publishing fake poll data before the election and continue to bringing in the fraudulent mail-in ballots after the election until Trump's huge lead is fully decimated. That's why they changed the rule on mail-in voting. That's why they need so much time counting. That's why they chose those states and shady counties just enough to slow down the process and eventually block Trump reaching 270. That's why they called the results prematurely while hundreds of thousands ballots are still uncounted. How low, sneaky, devious, and lawless they are! Let's dig to the bottom of this. The righteousness of God will not let these evil schemes remain uncovered. God bless America!

  14. AEK says:

    At 55 sec, Sidney Powell says "they've developed a computer system to alter votes electronically". To do so would be criminal.

    If Ms. Powell has evidence of intent, or the actual altering of votes illegally, she must alert the appropriate authorities and broadcast this criminal disenfranchisement to the world.

  15. JIM S says:

    Some news outfits are called biased partisan Fake News and Some democrats are called demonrats for their notorious illicit corruptive acts besides their immoral standard of lying and cheating. Keep publishing fake poll data before the election and keep bringing in the fraudulent mail-in ballots after the election until Trump's huge lead is fully decimated. That's why they changed the rule on mail-in voting. That's why they need so much time counting. That's why they chose those states and shady counties just enough to slow down the process and eventually block Trump reaching 270. That's why they called the results prematurely while hundreds of thousands ballots are still uncounted. How low, sneaky, devious, and lawless they are! The righteousness of God will not let these evil schemes remain uncovered. Let's dig to the bottom of this. God bless truth, justice, law-abiding people, and democracy!

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