
President TRUMP, VP Pence Participate In National Veterans Day Observance 11/11/20

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45 replies
  1. Brian Sumner says:

    God bless America president TRUMP pence and the American people the world is so proud of the way you are getting behind the worlds president,keep up the fight NO SURRENDER. UK.LIVERPOOL

  2. Coco Mitchell says:

    This man is my Hero. My President. The Greatest President in History. Done so much for our country. My entire family been in the military. Thank you to all that have served. Falling and remain to serve. President Trump can match no other man in the White House. Honor. Respect. Diginity. Love for family. His country. And God. A real man not a coward like Biden cheater. Lying thief of the American people. Traitor etc. so much more I can say but won’t.

  3. NickyBegrin King says:


  4. Skyler Baisch says:

    Yep God almighty is for America and has selected our leaders for us, according to Romans 13 "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." so god put the people in charge…doesn't that mean he put the people and governments in charge that killed these American soldier?!?… but don't worry God must have needed some guards for the gates of heaven…😒opps am I rebelling against what god has instituted? Better toe the line of the government's social control mechanism.

  5. kc Cox says:

    President Trump and VP Pence Love and Honor America's Heros.
    America's Military is proud and strong again. Thanks be to God for the Leadership He gave to lead America💞

  6. Black Eagle says:

    Don't worry president Trump…the media has been exposed and enemies terrorists of America…we are with you till the end these are same people who killed JFK, killed millions of Americans in fake wars benefitting Isreal and they planned 911 and this corruption election..
    Don't worry now its time to pay

  7. Gary Scottt says:

    God Bless America. Thank you to all of our service men & women past & present. Thank you to President Trump & VP Pence for showing us what the USA stands for.

  8. Biden says:

    THE COURT: In your petition, which is right before me — and I read it several times — you don’t claim that any electors or the Board of the County were guilty of fraud, correct? That’s correct?

    MR. GOLDSTEIN: Your Honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step. And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board of the DNC or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith. The DNC is coming with good faith. We’re all just trying to get an election done. We think these were a mistake, but we think they are a fatal mistake, and these ballots ought not be counted.

    THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?

    MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no.

    THE COURT: Are you claiming that there or improper influence upon the elector to these 592 ballots?

    MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present. no.

  9. Catherine Chiara says:

    How does President Trump do it all?? Pouring rain, cold Minnesota nights, 5 rallies a day!! Meanwhile basement biden sips hot todies. And he calls himself a leader! God bless our Veterans. God bless President Trump and God bless America!!

  10. Oceanyt says:

    Seriously why you all hated Trump so much ? Did he done horrible things to you and your family? His policies? Or is it simply because he has a big ego and big-mouthing all the time, tweeters? Lack of emphatic and blunt all the time ? Apart of the unverified lies reported by the fake tabloids news, did he indirectly cause any pain to you, your immediate families or loved ones ? I really wonder and pondering until now ? Or just covid 19 mishandling which it not entire his fault ? What did he do really exactly apart of the lies that both side have denied , checked and unverified?

  11. Christopher Proctor says:

    Where is this supposed president-elect guy…oh, wait, that's right he is not until 15 Dec. And here I thought AP elected the POTUS, silly me🙄 KAG, Mr. President! GOD BLESS AND GOD SPEED!

  12. Keith Mckinley says:

    Did Obama honor this day ???
    Trump is a true hero also fighting for our nation
    And constitution freedom rights
    Gods chosen president for this season and time 4 more years we will be bless thank God our savior amen!!!

  13. Deanna Crownover says:

    Lord, we thank you for the president that we have and we pray that nothing can hurt this man.

    We know that he is the only thing standing between the people of this nation and utter Anarchy.

    We thank you for our veterans I pray that it is your will that this country stands strong. In Jesus name, amen

  14. paulie dee says:

    I don't care what anyone says. Biden did not get over 77 million Americans voting for him. This is a guy that barely Campaigned. When he did his rallies he couldn't get more than 100 people to attend. Anyone watching him would realize that he not only looked Physically Sick, but with all the Gaffes, that Proved Mental Disability. And even though Big Tech and the MSM tried to hide it … most Americans Read the Emails and Know about the Corruption. They also knew about Biden's less than stellar career. The American people were so fed up with Obama and Biden that Hillary lost to Trump. And now they want you to believe he got more votes than any Candidate in Presidential History. And his running Mate, during the Primary, couldn't get any votes, and she was the first to Exit. And yet this Dynamic Duo (Only Joking) winds up getting over 77 million votes. And the American People also know that during the H1N1 Virus – that happened during Obama and Biden's Administration – the guy in charge said that they were so Incompetent they didn't know what was going on. Does anyone really believe that the American people would want an Incompetent Biden to now handle a Virus that is even more Deadly and Contagious? They found a Glitch in one of the Computer Programs that turned Trump's votes and gave it to Biden. Whether this was intentionally done or not, no one knows. But does it matter. This Program is Obviously not Working Properly. They need to find out, how many other "Glitches" there were, and what else was changed, in these other States. And that Includes other Races, not just the President's. They need to rely on the Science … Computer Science. And don't trust the Democrats and what they tell you. These people Murder Millions of Babies. They are not Incapable of Lying, Stealing, and Fraud. Realize the Devils that You're Dealing With.

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