
The head of the Justice Department’s elections crime branch stepped down following Attorney General William Barr’s decision to authorize investigations of alleged voting irregularities. One America’s Chanel Rion has more.

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39 replies
  1. Krudemon says:

    A sworn affidavit can be used in court. There are sworn affidavit saying there was election fraud. Stop saying there is no evidence that is evidence. The people that are sworn to these affidavit can get up to 15 years in jail if they are found to lie in them. Why would so many risk so much. This should just go to show you how the press is screwing us over and pushing their own agenda by not reporting the facts. PLEASE look into this yourself do not take what you see on the news as the truth anymore.

  2. Dennis Kelly says:

    Dominion Software Company major shareholder is Diane Feinstein's husband, Richard Bloom. Nancy Pelosi Chief of Staff is a key Executive in the Company. Dominion is also tied to George Soros, John Podesta and the Clinton Foundation! Dominion Software was also used to place Hugo Chavez in power in Venezuela. The Company wreaks of corruption and voter fraud!

  3. Jezzy Dezzy says:

    The democrats are trying to force the appearance that the elections are safe and there’s no way fraud could happen.

    Listen, democrats, it’s 2020 and anything is possible.

  4. August Ryckman says:

    When I see people like this, it makes me wonder what they have been doing for 40 years without any kind of restraint. Everyone was assuming they were investigating real crimes; not hunting people who refuse to accept some crazy ideology.

  5. Alfonso Ponce-Enrile says:

    The drain plug of the Deep State's swamp isn't big enough for all these dirty, sticky, nauseous and sickening garbage to go through! There has to be a powerful pump to suck them out. The pump, by God's grace, rhymes with Trump.
    The American people has come to a critical time in its history, more than any other time, to make a willful and deliberate decision to act and turn away from evil, and choose the righteous path to keep its freedom and liberty.

  6. Troy Stutsman says:

    He’s jumping ship because he knows that he was in on it
    and now he’s hoping that by distancing himself, he might
    be able to save his TRAITOROUS ASS…!!!
    Run, TRAITOR, RUN…!

  7. Don Gillis says:

    Now we know why no Democratics ever get arrested and the DOJ and FBI do nothing but say their investating it. Rudy G did more with Hunters laptop in two weeks than the FBI did all year. Hardcore evidence against the Biden crime family and still nothing but crickets.

  8. blip cat says:

    A pathetic G oober barr, needs to arrest the corrupt, instead of all these investigations that get swept under the rug.

    This is how it works in DC………..you resign because you disagree with your boss………and then get transferred to another department position so you can keep on screwing the American public………in the private sector if you resign, then you're out on the street…………..that's the problem with our US government, it is filled with deep state free lunch welfare recipients.

  9. Power to the Sheeple says:

    If there is no fraud and no corruption then the democrats, the DOJ and every other organization should be welcoming these lawsuits and recounts with open arms all in hopes to make Trump look like a real idiot – which is exactly what they have wanted from the past 4 years. So why is everyone trying to stop it or distance themselves?

  10. Ken Zahora says:

    Remember the Tea Party?

    Pilger in 2013 faced criticism after emails “showed him allegedly discussing plans with the IRS to look into tax-exempt organizations who had been involved politically after claiming on their taxes they wouldn’t,” HITC said.

    The New York Post reported that Pilger and the investigation were accused of being biased against Republican organizations.

    “On May 14, 2013, the Treasury Department’s Inspector General reported that the IRS had ‘used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions,'” the newspaper disclosed.

  11. ODP Bothma says:

    Psychological Subversion was invented by the KGB! It is used to create an enemy for your followers. Hitler used the Jews, Idi Amin used the Indians, ANC & EFF (S.A.) is using the whites. Are the Dems using conservatives?

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