
Battlegrounds state results are getting tighter and tighter as President Trump narrows Biden’s lead in Arizona. One America’s Christina Bobb spoke with Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward for the latest.

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42 replies
  1. Trixie Pooh says:

    There is absolutely no way Biden, who never campaigned, won this election! The switch glitch known as Dominion or the Hammer and Scorecard are the thieves and those responsible and in on it need to be arrested!

  2. Leslee Couch says:

    all of this could have been eliminated, for the most part, by making it a REQUIREMENT that the voter lists in ALL states be gone over and have illegal voter names expunged… ANNUALLY OR SEMI ANNUALLY!! There are too many dead people and non-citizens on the voting rolls in ALL states.

  3. A R T says:

    The Dominion voting system will be the BOMBSHELL, they manipulated the software in favor of Biden. Besides all other ongoing fraudscemes, the Dominion case will proof the widespread massive fraudsceme which took place in all the 33 US States where they used this DOMINION votingssystem.

  4. Rebeca Prince says:

    How is it possible we let them dirty demonrats keep poll watchers away 20 feet?? Thats cheating!! Thats fraud!! 0 credibility on the elections board since all the fraud i have seen. 200 yr olds voting??and demonrats counting the vote as legal its a FRAUD!!! They should be disqualified!!!

  5. Wesley Coonce says:

    This problem will cease to exist when America gets rid of the Democratic party and relize America is a REPUBLIC not a Democracy? It was a REPUBLIC since the beginning democrats have tried to change it for 65 years America is over 200 years old friends? Do you Seeand Understand?

  6. perry92964 says:

    the difference between trump and bidin is with trump we know what we get, with biden we have to hope he doesnt screw us. i spoke to a guy who voted for biden and i asked him what if he lied and raises taxes across the board and he just said "then we got fooled again"

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