
After Hours catches up with Phill Kline – former Attorney General in Kansas – to discuss how to combat voter fraud on the state level.

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22 replies
  1. Andy says:

    When only the ballots that are provable to be fraudulent are disqualified, the answer is to cheat way more to make up for the ones you get caught on.

  2. A Tale of Two Mice says:

    PATRIOT RALLY IN WASH. D.C. THIS SATURDAY NOV. 14th – – Join the Million Maga March! Timing is crucial. Please tell your friends! If you can't come please spread the word via social media THANKS!

  3. Judy Rozene says:

    God will win !!!!! Someone needs to get a petition and mail it out to every citizen or go door to door one republican and 1 Democrat every county with a limo and walk it to the house the person fills it out seals it in an envelope goes in locked box all are taken to White House and sent through computer for processing all under camera

  4. Eldon Rollins says:

    This country in on the verge of becoming the yet another banana republic; greedy, power hungry socialist like Zuckerberg, et al; are trying to steal our liberty. Unfortunately; we'll not understand just how oppressive this will be until we actually lose it. WE THE PEOPLE need to make every effort to defeat this tyranny and keep the freedoms this country's heroes have fought so hard to obtain and retain. Want an example; the election (not one state certified yet) isn't even settled; and look on the Lame Stream Media as they threaten to ostracize anyone who supported President Trump or the Republican Party….quote "we have a list". Be very scared.

  5. Aldo Biglari says:

    We Must all STAND by our PRESIDENT TRUMP. ONLY the Legal VOTES must be counted. The ILLEGAL votes must be removed immediately. ONLY the Legal VOTES must be RECOUNTED. President Trump is the Winner of the Election.

  6. john ornelas says:

    "Kline received a series of official rebukes and reprimands for his legal tactics against abortion providers, and in 2013 his law license was indefinitely suspended by the Kansas Supreme Court, which found "clear and convincing evidence" that Kline committed numerous violations of conduct rules, which included providing false testimony.[4][5] Kline appealed his license suspension to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to intervene, leaving the suspension in place"

    hmm a guy who has lost his law license because he lied seems like a great person to trust.

  7. Terry Trump says:

    if i was going to criticise trump it would be how he allowed big tech to crush us on the right and this may come back to bite him as we now can not get the word out. he should of gone to war with facebook twitter and youtube back when they all decided to just remove alex jones from the public eye just because he helped trump win. i remember alex saying first they come for me and you ignore it..then they come for you and it will be too late to do anything. he was right

  8. John Day says:

    Every media and news outlet needs to be charged with election interference and manipulation, especially those who called it before the voting or counting was even complete

  9. General Eric says:

    If Biden gets in it will be the end of Barrs investigation into Hunter Bidens laptop and the FBI will bury it for they then will have enough dirt to control the presidency.

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