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30 replies
  1. Luis Flores says:

    Can you tell me who is the owner and the associate of dominion… to see if this company has any ties with anyone on the Democratic party…. sounds to me like more than a glitch….

  2. Rodger Harrison says:

    What is the difference between a glitch and a pre-programmed algorithm, that is embedded into a program to redistribute votes to a specific candidate? Stranger still is that Nancy Pelosi's husband is the owner of the company that made the voting machine as well as the software. Nothing to see here folks, just move along.

  3. Marc Marmolejo says:

    No body has asked why all this is happening what's the end result? Resources. Natural resources running out at the rich want to keep the resources to themselves and their families. Period.

  4. Ron Parcke-Wms says:

    Plane stupid of OANN calling the Dominion machine's voter switch up "a glitch." You should say "alleged glitch" until we have proof one way or the other. Just as you havent called a presidential winner until proven yet, you can do same on Dominion voter machine than to assume a "glitch," especially in light of all of the fraud investigations and witnesses ongoing already.

  5. g baker says:

    I wonder who owns these machines that have the glitches in them. If I had a million Dollars I would bet somebody that those machine belong to some corporation that one or two of these senators are in on

  6. John Doe says:

    The Democrats realized that they couldn't get away with using software "glitches" as an excuse. User error in multiple places and always in Biden's favor also not feasible. Software updates on the night of the election sounds more like the culprit and not by accident. Who would update the software on something as important as election night. There too many abnormalities and consistencies in swing states to claim "operator error". The Republicans and authorities better have experts in software combing through the program to see exactly what took place.

  7. Rachel . Bianca says:

    The Interviewee’s case against the voting equipment amounts to this: I’m surprised by the election results so it must be rigged. And that is a ridiculous argument. Look into it, sure. But don’t say there’s a conspiracy unless you have evidence to show because that’s the kind of thinking that is breaking this country apart.

  8. Michael Henneman says:

    Nothing will be nothing done about it! The courts are corrupt, we keep re electing the same crooked politicians, I will never vote again, I refuse to allow myself to actually think my vote counts when in reality it doesn't! Goodbye America, it's been a slice!

  9. Cindy Edgerton says:

    Chinese Biden Pelosi and Democrat owned domain voting system collusion. Where is all the uproar on this .Just shows how deep swamp is and for how long it's been filling up.

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