
Christina Bobb discusses the Democrats oversight and the strategic missteps they are making at every turn.


33 replies
  1. Tux 1 says:

    Biden campaign for about two weeks. Obama campaign the last two weeks. They knew the fix was in. Neither drew crowds, both drew meager gatherings and a third of those present were staff. Neither one of these, nor Kamala, pulled much enthusiasm. Yet, we're supposed to believe Biden got more vote than anyone ever? Ridiculous to even think it. Biden and the media are simply playing a game called "President Elect". The goal is to stay alive, deny and cover brazen election fraud as well as treason until the people forget and/or give up. We're not forgetting and not giving up. So when the first group goes to jail, it's game over.

  2. tuan nguyen says:

    Biden will never be my President! Not in this lifetime. He should be ashamed of himself for relying on on the media mouthpieces and voting fraudulent. A man without conscience and integrity does not have a place in leading even a single person in this proud nation. Justice will prevail and bring us all to harmony and peace.

  3. tuan nguyen says:

    I said it before and I am repeating myself again : The stake is too high for the Democrats and many important people if Trump won. There will be law and order and many will face prison sentence for their crimes of their corruptions and and wrong doings toward the Trump's administration in the last 4 years.

  4. Bizz says:

    Trump won hands down my friends and neighbours go to the Saturday rally that will show the world who is the real Americans come on you can do the 1 million man march to the White House, but let try for 10 million march the world is depending on You DEMoratS are cheats stand up to them or else We will lose it all

  5. Jim Stone says:

    fox news is dead to me, newsmax, OAN, heritage foundation, Just the news-john solomon, daily caller, blaze tv, the federalists, plenty of honest CONSERVATIVE news channels on youtube

  6. Dozer1642 says:

    The media has glorified riots for the last year for a very specific reason. After this charade of Biden winning, the riots will start and we will enter into civil war.

  7. Buji says:

    you trump supporters are actually delusional. Take a break off the copium and think for a minute. He's been planning this for months. since he started campaigning for his first election he's been trying to discredit the news, and as of recently mail in ballots. constantly saying they dont work (with no evidence against them). told his cult members to vote in person, knowing that the mail-ins would be disproportionately Democratic votes. so that he could later try and get them thrown out.

    i hate both of the selection, but to act like anyone other than trump is trying to steal the election is lying to yourself. if you truly cared about democracy, or had more than 2 brain cells to think for yourself you'd be able to clearly see the fascist behavior he's been exhibiting since he started all this president stuff. It falls very close in line with Hitlers action plan to take over. Not to mention their slogans are the exact same (make America great again, make Germany great again). and he had a detailed plan out with his lawyers to not give up power, basically planning a coup.

    It's literally been his plan since day 1, and you guys just fall in line for it so willingly.

  8. Frank Velik says:

    This is the little problem the xemocrats voting pricents fase when they comitted political discrimination, lol😂🤣😂Which 14th Amedement, Fourteenth Amendment? It granted citizenship to all individuals living in the United States. It enfranchised all male citizens and gave them the right to vote. It prevented states from denying citizens equal protection under the law.

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