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22 replies
  1. The Radical Brexiteer says:

    Praying for Trump won't do anything. Praying won't do anything at all, never has done. Since when has wishful thinking ever helped anyone achieve anything? It's a lazy excuse to do nothing or expect everyone else to change an outcome in your favour. Stop praying and instead get off your lazy backsides and put in some real effort to help.
    Praying to the fairies at the bottom of your garden is the very reason why you lose and your competitors win. This is why conservatives are always losing everything and will continue to do so until you realise you need to be a lot more realistic and grounded in reality.

  2. Peterson Family says:

    All good points from Dinesh. The statistics of it make no sense but I do not believe this is provable in court. I do think some explanation as to why there were so many ballots cast just for the Presidential race and for Biden in the swing states. The numbers and the fact that this occurred in these areas in such significant numbers is once again odd?

  3. larry moore says:

    I hope that President Trump continues to fight against this scam election that we went through. One way or another Biden will never sit in the White House with a clean win.

  4. T-Bone Perkins says:

    I do keep hearing on every conservative channel supporting our POTUS Trump talking about the Constitution authorizing powers to different branches. And I do agree with it being the rule of LAW. However the 2nd Amendment is also the RULE of LAW.

    (Every American should memorize this)
    The Right of the Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, The Right of the People to KEEP and BARE ARMS SHALL NOT be INFRINGED.

    Now that's a pretty clear statement from our Founders, and any common person in the USA can understand what it says and what it means. The Founders were not cavemen, they were professional soldiers, lawyers, statesmen, diplomats, farmers, business owners, with families of their own. The 2nd Amendment was debated heavily and went through committees and in the END they all ratified it using this simple language. Our Founders purposely did not write ANY exclusionary language like "Reasonable Restrictions", because they already knew it was the slippery slope. So when are they going to do away with the NFA (National Firearms Act) and the Hughes Act to restore our rights and disband the BATF?

    Help Spread this message to all Freedom Loving American Patriots so we can END our Governments (Both Parties) strangle hold over us. Our so called leaders expect us to trust them with all the Arms but never give Us the People the same Trust. Without the 2nd NONE of our other rights and freedoms will matter. Copy and Paste/ Repost everywhere.

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