
After Hours catches up with Liz Harrington – the Republican National Committee spokesperson – to break down the remaining Republican efforts in the 2020 election cycle as well as the Georgia Senate runoffs.

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44 replies
  1. John T says:

    Dick Morris just put out 2 video about 30 minutes ago saying the Georgia recount is a fraud and fake. They won't let Republican poll watchers monitor the recount. The Secy of State says to not verify signatures and the recount must be done in 24 hours.

  2. Curtis Judge says:

    I am hearing once again the checker Republicans are not being aloud anywhere near the recount. Also the are not even checking signatures are not being checked. That's not right at all again. We the people need to step up to the plate. We cannot let them clown us like this. What kind of people are we baby boomers. We need to fight for our country. Not on our watch.

  3. Ed Oliver says:

    Georgia is NOT allowing signature identification.
    They are NOT allowing pole watchers to get closer than 30 feet.
    The liberal georgian election official has ensured it won't be an accurate count

  4. Long Yoa says:

    The man who gave up his lavish and luxurious lifestyle and endured being ridiculed and smeared by the media to save America 🇺🇸.

    Joe Biden’s political Career by year:

    1973 Biden enters politics




    1977 Biden fights to keep schools segregated because “allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle”






    1983 Biden taxes SS





    1988 Ran for president but had to end it after getting busted for plagiarism


    1990 C’mon man, almost there



    1993 Biden taxes SS again

    1994 Biden writes the stop and frisk law which is what African Americans blame for systemic racism today



    1997 Almost, not yet because y’know the thing











    2008 Calls Obama the first articulate and clean mainstream African American












    2020 and now he’s ready to “FIX” the Country.

    Imagine being so dumb that you think the guy in office for 4 years is the problem and the guy in office for 47 YEARS is the solution
    If you know anything about programming, there's no such thing as a software glitch, it has to deliberately be done.

    These Democrats will do anything to steal this election. Trump is not stupid, he's learned the art of war, they have woken up a sleeping Giant.

    This will be the best Christmas 🎄 of the year.

    It’s not over. Trump’s not going anywhere. Dead voters and computer glitches don’t count as votes—or incomplete ballots that only voted for Biden. If Dems think they won, I’d like to see how many of them are willing to fight for it. We’re all equal — so I have no problem with killing them in war. Instead, they rely on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News and Facebook and Twitter to fact-check….when all of the people in cable news and social media know that those people are dumbf****.

  5. LAN Vo says:

    Everyone does not need to be angry with some stupid Biden supporters here trying to make u angry bc THEY (dems) R LOSERS , that is why Biden supporters come to this channel
    They suppose to stick with Cnn and other dem fake news channels !! The media pres Biden 😂😂😂😂

  6. Jameson Bayonet says:

    Thank God for president Trump and Mr. Rudy Giuliani. Together this power duo is exposing how utterly corrupt and rotten the Democrats have been from top to bottom. Everything they touch gets poisoned. FBI; DOJ; DHLS; Senate; Congress; Supreme Court; our constitution; MSM; Big tech; Education system. Just to name a few.

  7. Tiffany C. says:

    Flood the White House with letters demanding an audit on all votes, esp. the ones in questionable states. (Recounts are NOT working because they still aren't allowing observers to see what is happening). They can take those letters to The Supreme Court. As voters, we have to insist that all illegal votes be tossed and only legal ones counted. Otherwise, we will never see another Republican President again and this will continue. The Party of Hate is trying to destroy America, our lives, and our basic freedoms. If you are not OK with this, take action and say something. Trump works so hard for all of us and has fought the left for four years now. The least we can do is support him. All evidence needs to be presented regarding Dominion and crooked voting facilities and all involved in this fraud must be held accountable. Think about something for a moment…If this were the other way around, the Dems would be burning our country to the ground right now. Notice not one fire, act of violence or instance of destruction. We are civil people. We just want this wrong made right. Trump won.

  8. Anthony Emrick says:

    The Disinformation and Misinformation campaign, as well as the FULL BLOCKADE of ANY NEGATIVE or Potentially INFLAMMATORY information about Biden and his ties to Influence peddling and illegal money Kickbacks from Ukraine, by the Mainstream Media was SO EXTREME That it borders on CRIMINAL!!

    What we ended up with is Likely one of the LEAST INFORMED to downright MISLEAD Populace leading up to an election In the HISTORY OF THIS NATION!!
    The amount of Lies and Mistruth spread about Trump and Cover ups for Biden's misdeeds is INEXCUSABLE!!

    I have talked to so many people who are Clueless as to all the good things Trump's Done. And almost always, the Response is "why didn't they report this stuff on the news? I probably would have voted for him had I known all of this"
    It is Obscene… we are talking PROPAGANDA on the level of SOVIET UNION or Goebbels and the Nazi's!!

    Mainstream Media is ABSOLUTELY UNTRUSTWORTHY!!

  9. perry92964 says:

    how embarrassing will it be if it turns out the dems cheated and trump is winner? on another note if they get away with it and take the senate their will never be another republican elected to any office making our country a one party system, no checks and balance's, might as well make their leader the emperor

  10. Sherrie Owen says:

    The only results we would except is a do over. Massive corruption in every state. Trump had a red wave and everybody knows it. What a disgrace and we will never give up untill all you criminal democrats are behind bars.

  11. Tony Dean says:

    Pass this info along. U.S. ARMY RAIDS SCYTL A EUROPEAN CO. Our votes were sent to this company The company is also bankrupt. I bet they have lots of money coming to them for what they have done.

  12. Donna Leveron says:

    We are not a democracy, where 50.5% tell 49.5% what to do.
    We are a republic, a country of laws, a constitutional republic. Our laws are based on our Constitution. Interesting that God gave Moses

  13. Freedom Fighter 777 says:

    Trump had the election won on the night of election! Never have i ever seen an election take TWO WEEKS! There's SOOO MUCH FRAUD here that there's NO WAY Biden won! Bernie had huge crowds Biden had NONE! 100% FRAUD!!!

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