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43 replies
  1. andrew smith says:

    Now it makes sense, why every fake media outlet, and every Democrat politician said 'DONALD TRUMP will never be President. Because they thought dominion would sort it all out. But they under estimated one thing, THE TRUMP VOTERS. DRAIN THE SWAMP. TRUMP 2020

  2. Gary Madison says:

    I’m happy to see some one with some clout that actually has it RIGHT ! George Soros is behind most of the corruption that’s happening in America right now! He is a Evil despicable ex Nazi one of Hitlers elite, and has been band from at least six countries including his own! Why the hell is he here?? ? Dem o CRAPS! Why else !

  3. twaters57 says:

    This is nothing new, Democrats have been stealing elections for decades. I remember when Kennedy stole the election from Nixon in 1960. Usually they try to hide it. This time they stole the election right out in the open so everyone could see. It almost seems like they wanted everyone to know they stole the election and no one can stop them. The swamp is very deep.

  4. articmars1 says:

    So this is the back story to Russian Collusion. Russian Collusion was the insurance in case dominion didnt come through. Someone needs to put that tidbit in front of strak and page and watch their expressions

  5. IowAudio Review says:

    So many American actually voted for Trump it broke the algorithm the Democrats worked out with Dominion. Thats where the mail in ballots come this time as the buffer so 2016 doesn't happen to them again. Ever wonder why Hilary didn't contest the election even though she was soooo upset. She couldn't it would expose their system. We cant let this slide anymore fellow patriots. This may be it.

  6. Ronnie B says:

    To our US military brothers and sisters, moms and dads. You took an oath to defend our country from foreign and domestic enemies. We need you to stand with 80+ million Americans and President Trump to stop these people from stealing an election and trying to overthrow our country.

  7. Moon Over Miami says:

    This brave woman needs to speak directly to Trump!! I am very familiar with the mafia called government in Albania and George Soros connections in Serbia, North Makedonia , Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria.etc. Soros has payed off all the politicians in Balkans and Academics.

  8. NORTHERNER says:

    that is why dominion is the system of choice of third world leaders, but out there it is called SMARTMATIC…anyone could get into office for the right price…

  9. bryaneep says:

    The President, ("our President of the United States"), has just not only saved the United States Citizens, "(our family members)", but He, has saved the World also with this vaccine… We the People, and the World,( "THANK YOU"), President TRUMP…

  10. Trebor Sivad says:

    Soros has been connected to BLM & ANTIFA. Which both donate to the Clinton foundation, Biden, Obama, & dem party. Pelosi and Feinstein have ties to Dominion. Therefore, yes there is connections with Soros and Dominion.

  11. Paul Parker says:

    When Bob Dylan went to the crossroads who was standing at the crossroads waiting for Bob Dylan.. George Soros was the creature standing there and told him if you want fame and fortune sign your name in blood here………….,

  12. cruisersism says:

    The mark of the Beast [ Covid Digital passport ] is almost upon us but God has giving us one last chance through President Trump to stop it. Do not throw it back in God's face!!! Stand up and prove to God we are worth it. I have seen what is about to take place in a vision sent from God and I was saved through Jesus Christ. Its your call, save your soul, you have been giving this warning from God, heed it !!!

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