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41 replies
  1. Lot Underwood says:

    unfortunately, PEOPLE are deceived by the EVIL one., deliberately. with MONEY, POWER and FEAR…. Christians are to pray for them for another 4 years of Trump to save their souls… Otherwise, they are left to the desires of their flesh and their TORMENTORS

  2. B Bear says:

    Oh no. They've moved our ballots to a central location in California too. I believe that's so no one can watch what goes on, Arizona and California are in deep mess because of this and I think we should insist that it comes back to our local areas, and paper only.

  3. The Last Swedish Viking says:

    When they came to take away my "neighbors" i did not defend them… then they came to take away my "friend" still, i did nothing… next they came to take my "brother" i was frozen with fear… finally they came for me… there was no one left to help… My fellow countrymen & women… Fear knocked at the door… Faith answered, there was no one there… Children of patriots, take a deep breath… and do what must be done…

  4. TheLarz1013 says:

    The more the Democrats, or should I use their name proper , the Socialist party, fight against election integrity the more we realize they did indeed commit or allow fraud to occur

  5. cruisersism says:

    The mark of the Beast [ Covid Digital passport ] is almost upon us but God has giving us one last chance through President Trump to stop it. Do not throw it back in God's face!!! Stand up and prove to God we are worth it. I have seen what is about to take place in a vision sent from God and I was saved through Jesus Christ. Its your call, save your soul, you have been giving this warning from God, heed it !!!

  6. Jose Perez says:

    The cheating in PA , MN, WI and MI was expected as in every Dem run place, however what happened in GA and AZ supposedly GOP territory with Dominion voting systems is beyond comprehension, the local GOP failed the people big time.

  7. General Eric says:

    A three pronged attack on democracy voter fraud by the democrat electorate, state fraud by democrat ballot counters , and the fail safe back up plan the dominion counting machines,

  8. jklo6677 says:

    Of course the Democrats don't want a Fair election they'll lose by a landslide and they damn well know it their polsters told them that their own internal polsters told them that they know God damn well they'll lose there's no two ways about it there's not even a tiny little doubt in their mind so they're going to fight this tooth and nail

  9. Sri Ji says:

    Republican party is not all trusting. Is there something we can do to make the real Republicans come forth, because some are rinos, and we can't trust Republicans in some states, because they are acting like Democrats. Even parties have divided!

  10. Mimi says:

    Pope St Felix, 5th century: “Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and, indeed, to neglect to confound evil men—when we can do it—is no less a sin than to encourage them.”

  11. Tim Hults says:

    BLOCK ALL DOCRATIC ATTEMPT TO TAKE OVER THE WHITE HOUSE BY FORCE THEY CAN GO FRONT THEIR PRESIDENTUAL COUNTRY FROM.GERMANY OR WHERE EVER BUT HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. I'M SURE the can put a fake back drop as well as a fake GOP and maybe even a fake population they pretty good with illusions.

  12. Dan F says:

    With customized technology and methodology voters and their ballots could be recorded in a manner that would enable a reliable and accurate review of the ballot submitted. If it was determined to be an illegal ballot it could be retrieved with the votes removed from the total count and the voter penalized. The system needs to be credible.

  13. Ryan Hynes says:

    The Secretary of State in Arizona Katie Hobbs won the election in AZ the same way they're trying to steal the election for Biden. She needs to be recalled she's a never Trumper.

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