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46 replies
  1. Carola E. says:

    Torture of the unborn is an industry. They call it "tissues", and not human. The further along the pregnancy, the more money they get for the aborted fetus. There should not be wholesale abortions. Women need to be more aware of their circumstances and not use sex as casual encounters.. Every child is a miracle, and should be treated that way. Don't be ashamed to wait until marriage..

  2. TTR says:

    Bill gates parents are the founders of plant parenthood,, and bill gates is the father of the corona virus vaccines ,, how interesting

  3. Sabine says:

    Project Veritas was sued for taping them choppping up human babies a video tape is wrong??? What is being taped is horrific but not a problem. People MUST UNITE AND END THIS SICK DESTRUCTION OF OUR OWN SPECIES

  4. Jeremy Wales says:

    Bless you two for bringing this forth to Light. 😉🙌🏻👍 We need to value all life period.
    There are other options than tax-payer-funded-demented-experiments. This human mixing
    with animal experiments is a violation of Universal Law. It mustn’t ever continue, done. ✅

  5. Robert Morgan says:

    Abortion has only been legal in the U.S. for 48 years. The vast majority of this country’s existence it was illegal. It can be again. So what if 1 generation has grown up with abortion being legal. Stop thinking it’s always been like this. It hasn’t.Realize that. Only 1 generation. Let’s make sure it stays that way! The murder of children can be stopped!

  6. Robert Morgan says:

    What if laws were passed to legally require all abortion clinics to provide the mother with All information of what will be done with the child’s lifeless body from time of the abortion all the way throughout what is done with the baby’s body by the abortion clinic until he or she is returned to the earth. Require a legal and binding explanation of what is going to happen to the body of the child in complete detail to the mother FIRST before the abortion.

  7. Joe Public says:

    They are aborting children up until the day they are born. They are fighting to abort children a month old. The federal food and drug administration has purchased aborted children parts for experiments. Pepsi Co and cambells soup company put their tiny little kidneys in their food and drink products. McDonald's ground them up and put them in meat.

    This was written about in scripture. These people are biblically evil. These people are why God called his people to war. These people is why Christ said "who so ever hurts the least of these" this is noting new. Why do you think they stabbed christ with a spear, why do you think they caught the blood in a cup? Why do you think they call that cup the holy grail?

    What they did to Jesus was called a blood libel. It's what they do to the baby's they kill. They leave their tiny little face in the whomb and drag the baby out up to the neck then stab the tiny baby over and over. This causes the adrenal glands to swell. When the child is dead, or not they drag the child out, flip it over and cut out the kidneys and with it comes the adrenal glands. Once exposed to oxygen this is now adrenochrome. The drug, the same one you will see them use in the music video the perfect drug. Watch it and be horrified by what you know know. They put those children in your food and scripture said this would happen to those who followed man's law and not God's law.

  8. TheFlR3StOrM says:

    Not only does this make my heart hurt and tears to my eyes. It really ticks me off that murderering a child became legal in 1973 in the U.S. But across the globe it has been legal since around the 17th or 18th centuries. So if anybody wants the real numbers, when abortion became legal and up until now there has been over 1.5 billion babies murdered across the globe. Let that number sink in because that number is rising with each passing minute. IT"S TIME TO STOP THE GENOCIDE. People talk about the killers of the worlds history like Hitler, or Mao who had more than 50 to 80 million people killed, or even Genghis Kahn. His armies killed 11% of the worlds population in the 12th century. Over 40 million people. These killers/mass murderers/ have nothing on the abortionist of the world. Planned parenthood need to be completely defunded, shut down and burnt to the ground. All abortion clinics needs to be shut down and closed forever. Any person allowing this or doctors/nurses/helpers involved should be held for murder. If you do not like what I have said I can care less, if I hurt your feelings I can care less, I'll get you a damn tissue. If you agree with the aborton laws/clinics then you are a sick minded murderer.

  9. barb harden says:

    This is beyond awful but these days I always ask for documentation about what is being said about how the baby parts are put into rats.Same about burning babies for heating.

  10. J Mireles says:

    “There are different opinions of when an embryo becomes a human being because opinions are often affected by religious and personal views. The scientific answer is that the embryo is a human being from the time of fertilization because of its human chromosomal constitution. The zygote is the beginning of a developing human.” ~“Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects”, 10th Edition, Moore, Persaud, Torchia (2019)

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