I’ve been seeing a very disturbing trend in messages our culture seems to be accepting about what many think  “love” means…  For example, “If you love people you’ll…” do this or that….

Right now it’s “If you love others you’ll wear a mask and get a shot”…  Some are even citing Jesus, as if it’s what He would do if He were on the earth. On first look, that would make sense, unless of course you’ve been paying attention to not only the global war upon us, but also the spiritual war all around us. Lie after lie after lie. It doesn’t make sense.

I’ve also been seeing a disturbing trend with the word “NICE”… But is LOVE always NICE?

Love is an inner truth as well as outward expression. Both are tied together. But don’t we need both of these things to be TRUE in order to be real love? Can an outward appearance that’s based on a lie, be real love? Especially when we know better? Can a lie can never become real love without repentance and removal of the lie that’s grown?

In other words, if we are all doing something that doesn’t work, just to show we are “nice and good” people, where is the real love behind that? If many of us know the truth but act different than the knowledge we have, is that real love? Or is that being disingenuous?

When I was a police officer in Salt Lake City I had to sometimes do really hard things to human beings to get compliance. It doesn’t mean that I hated them, or my heart was in a bad place for them. I sometimes even had to get physical with them; takedowns, taser, pepper spray, asp baton, you name it, right into steel handcuffs and cage in the back of my car. But does that mean I didn’t “love” them, even though I had to get physical?

When the “bad guy” would act, as police, we HAD to up the use of force to stop the threat. There was no other option. But what was my behavior based on? It was based on years and years of proven training, (and massive amounts of CASE LAW) that if a “bad guy” would act a certain way, we HAD to respond.

Unfortunately, many in our modern world in positions of authority are making guesses on UNPROVEN “science” that is backed by absolutely nothing but guesses from the covid gods who pretend to be in charge. And they have used very heavy handed government tactics to get their points across. These same covid gods have now dictated to almost every institution known to man, including schools and churches, who is in charge, and what the narrative is going to be, and what their version of LOVE is and means. But is this really love, when it’s done by force? And like a police officer in a position to ACT, is governments and health departments JUSTIFIED in what they are doing? The answer is a resounding, NO.

Who is the ultimate form of LOVE based in LAW? Was it not Jesus Christ Himself? What is mercy without justice? What is action without Truth?

Now here’s a question…..

Was Jesus “Nice” just to keep the appearance of being nice? Was His appearance more important than truth? Some would say “Yes, Jesus was always nice, He had to be, and He had to LOOK it too”… but let’s think about it…

Was it LOVING for Jesus to call people “hypocrites, vipers, and fools”? Yes it was, because they needed to hear it. Was it loving to flip the tables in the temple? Not a question. There was no other option to make the point that needed made. Was that the wrong rebuke from Jesus? Does He wish He could take that back? No. It was a perfect response. Do you think it made people uncomfortable when they saw the Savior flip over tables holding a whip? Did their hearts skip a beat? Especially those who had overtaken the temple for their agenda? Was that nice?

Was it “nice” for God to flood the earth in Noah’s time? Or was it LOVING? Some would say it was mean for God to flood the earth and drown millions of people. But I thought God was only nice? Do you see where I’m going with this? How else was the earth to be cleansed and baptized by water? Is it LOVING when God chastens us for not turning to Him, but the ways of the world? You better believe it. He loves us enough to cut us down. That’s not only true leadership rooted in real love, but true Fatherhood based in Truth.

What do we worship? Do we worship an appearance or do we worship Truth? Do we worship the gospel of “Nice” vs. the gospel of Truth (which is Christ)? These are real questions we need to ask ourselves.

Real love is action in Truth. And sometimes that action may look ugly. Like throwing a criminal to the ground or God flooding an entire civilization. Love really is Love. And sometimes that love doesn’t always look “nice”, especially to many who’ve never had to really stand for what they believe. And especially when the word “love” has been hijaked by a political party in order to get society to conform to the agenda. It’s always “love” and “unity”, but why is it done by force, fear, manipulation, and coercion? Is that real love? No, it’s not.

Real love is rooted in truth. And real love and light casts out the darkness of lies. Real love has no other option shine and can’t pretend. Real love doesn’t need to change its story. Real love doesn’t manipulate people to get a certain result. That’s not how it works.

So in other words, Jesus Christ LOVES us so much that He is willing to not only tell us the Truth, but also SHOW us the truth. Which He has done and will continue to do, even if it’s painful to you and I. You can call it tough love. Jesus healed everyone, from sinner to leper. He did it without a mask or immunizations. And when He comes again in the near future, he won’t be wearing a mask or needing to show his vax passport to rule and reign for 1,000 years of peace. That’s not how it will work then, and that’s why it’s not working now. It’s not the proper order. It’s evident.

So if we are to become like Jesus, in word AND deed, what are we doing right now?

Eric Moutsos