The only reason why Governments across the country will go to all ends to keep big corporations open like Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, where nobody actually social distances, is because of sales taxes they collect for the state. And they know it. 

Why doesn’t Gary Herbert and Spencer Cox care to fight for the small businesses? Well, the sales tax to the state for most small business is so miniscule they don’t care to fight for it; therefore they don’t care if they stay open like the big guys. That’s the sad sad truth. That’s the motive behind all of this. 

Within one week of government officials shaming UBR for trying to save small businesses in Kaysville, while listening to country music, the state had the nerve to announce Lagoon amusement park would reopen??? Why? Well, because they won’t be getting much money from us in Kaysville, right?. “It’s unsafe and radical!” They say….
But what about Lagoon? Clearly Covid19 is smart enough to not go after people riding on the same metal equipment rides over and over and over. Right? Or, is it about how much money Lagoon brings to the state? Can you answer that Spencer Cox? 

Governments accuse groups like us saying, “all you care about is money for the economy., Not lives!” When the saddest irony of 2020 is that’s exactly what THEY are guilty of, by only allowing the big business in Utah to thrive. It makes me want to throw up. 

As we see in government, especially the higher you go up, bad decision after bad decision is made. Why? Because it truly is tied directly to the money. Follow the money and you’ll understand why MOST decisions are made in the state. And yes, these decisions always fall on the backs of the people. This is to say nothing of the power and control that fuels them. You know, the “This is Cox Country” type attitude. They really truly believe they are in charge of us like babysitters. 

I hope this awakened us to our awful situation. Because right now, even though we may seem to be getting out of it, I fear this is only the beginning. And it’s awful. Yes, God is good and will bless us, but He can’t bless us fully if we don’t take action in OUR lives. Faith is action. 

The ONLY way to stop anything like this from happening again, is to keep peacefully pushing back against a wild and out of control Government. Yes, even annoyingly. Even if they try to threaten the “law” on you. They have NO right to take away your God given rights.