
A nationally recognized legal analyst and author of ‘Trump Must Win’ discusses how African Americans feel supported by President Trump and are speaking out against social justice hypocrisy. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair sat down with Teisha Powell to learn more.

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33 replies
  1. DAV URGE says:

    if the demonkkkrats cared about Black People, then the cities they 'control' or influence wouldn't be so darn dilapidated or slummy. 30 minutes of searching can see the terrible legacy of the party that founded and supported the klan.

  2. Robert G says:

    I don't see color, I see individuals. The democrats want to keep you thinking that your only as good as everyone else in your race. That shouldn't be how individuals are characterized. I look at the individual when I see someone, I don't put them in a class of a million other people. We are all unique and different, no one person is the same and at the end of the day we can all be eliminated from this world just as easy as the next person. Trump gets that and I respect that. Regardless of color, we are all brothers and sisters in America.

  3. spookerr says:

    The demonrats will use govt to enslave ALL and take your money, guns and turn your neighborhoods into Police State. And guess who will get hit the hardest first. Yup. The Black population.

  4. Mr Rytte says:

    1:301:33 I agree with most of what she said. But thinking that a black person can't be racist is wrong. It's not just a white thing, and it's racist to think racism is only a white thing. Any person of any race can be racist against another. 0:53 NFL? LaBon James gonna play football too? Or maybe a taking a knee reference, or slip of the tongue, for NBA. I know I'd be nervous on video, LOL

  5. Jon Cammon says:

    LeBron James is in the same bucket list as all these other rich BLK leaders who are suppose to repersent the black community. He's a sjw and so are the rest they become sell outs and joined with the global elite who are against Black Americans point blank.

  6. Jim Cumback says:

    The fascist/socialist/Democrats are desperate. Long past the point of name calling and shaming people. Hate, has unhinged them to the point of incompetence. The Democratic party is, quite literally, unfit for office and leadership. As 2020 draws closer, and their loss becomes more and more apparent. Their level of desperation and mental illness will go off the charts. The Democrats will flail around like wounded animals

  7. Lejuan Smith says:

    She's right…LeBron put himself in this situation by choosing what causes he's going to support…which is his decision…but don't pretend your doing it for the better good…your doing it to pat their pockets…and as a black conservative I can't stand blacks can't openly support Trump for being labeled a racist..it's really sickening

  8. Mike Ross says:

    I just wish more people would think for themselves and not get caught up in the popularity contest while being brainwashed by the media. FYI- everyone can be racist. Not just white people. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. Franklin Archambault says:

    what they need to remember is that the democant communist are still the slave owners it was the Republicans who freed them you know Abe Lincoln of course you can stick with the jim crows like LBJ or Tip O neal ar the last slave owner Robert Byrd

  10. BK K says:

    Democrats only want to show there gonna help to get your vote after that they dont know who you are ask the black people of Detroit and did obama go back and keep his premises hell no .

  11. regenerated wordsmythe says:

    I hope your book does extremely well……..thanks OANews for being a light in a world of darkness. 7,200 layoffs at CNN and associates. Seven thousand two hundred+ for those that don't do numbers well. Get woke, go broke! Watch Dr. Steve Turley's channel for more defeats to left swinging media spoutlets! 🇺🇸

  12. Darren Zwicker says:

    “I’m black. How can I be racist?”
    If you harbor hate towards another race be it white/black, black/white, white/asian, asian/white, black/asian, asian/ black etc. it’s racism. It’s a liberal theory brought about by barry obama that only whites can be racist.
    P.S muslim is not a race it’s a religion just like atheism/evolutionism, Judaism, Christianity. So if anti-muslim is racist, so is anti-Christian, etc.

  13. Thiago Oliveira says:

    Conservatives, please learn how NOT to play the "game" using THEIR rules! Start by getting rid of the term "African American", and just saying "American" instead. Unless when the situation requires to mention the skin color specifically, just say "American". The left uses the term "African American" to ALWAYS impose the notion that they are the exact same people that were slaved in the past and that THE SAME white people from the past are slaving them TODAY. Dominating words that both sides will use, is an evil tactic of the left that will always push ANY conversation into a race war. For example when they use sports events to say "African Americans this and that", they're opening the way to start after that, a conversation about "fighting systematic racism". That would be way harder if they just treated the person as simply "American". I think stopping to use the left's rules in ANYTHING possible, is something that should have happened so long ago. But I understand that these are things that are hard to notice, because they've been purposefully spread by the fake News media in an effort to turn them into common sense. They're now trying to spread new ones and people should stay alert, and actually DOMINATE the debate including the rules and stop being lead by the left's rules. For example, before speaking about racism, how about deconstructing idea that black is a race and spreading the fact that any ethnicity is part of only one race, that is the HUMAN race? Also people from the "protected by the left" ethnicity owned slaves in the past, and look how interesting, the ones the left defends the most STILL OWNS today. So what is the solution? STOP trying to pretend there's an ethical group that is a Saint in history and only another specific one committed mistakes, because that is FALSE and only divides people for the wrong reasons. The sad part is that the left gains votes from race war and that's why they will always try to increase it, if nobody exposes them. They care ZERO about not only black people, but also any people they claim to be "defending", that's why their worst fear is these people realizing it and leaving their Marxist matrix.

  14. Rackets says:

    Look at all the Democrats have done for minorities..Welfare, food stamps, cell phones, cheese, housing in slums and drug infested areas.. All Trump ever did was make jobs available and get them off government dependency..

  15. queenhiphop1002 says:

    No we aren’t. I’m not a Democrat but I vote blue cause I’m not voting for a racist party or one that denies the experiences of black America. Republicans can’t even acknowledge the cause and effect history has had on us but y’all won’t my vote? Nope, rather someone lie to my face than ignore me completely

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