
Hundreds of Washington residents attended an annual gun rights rally in the state’s capital, but received an unexpected guest. One America’s Grayce Rust reports.

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49 replies
  1. Marsha Reeves says:

    Security turned on the organizers. I smell a set-up; a publicity stunt for a D lister. Deceiving 2A proponents too far out to arrange? Well, that's a sociopath; that's Sasha.

  2. Merman says:

    Hmmmm, kinda reminds me of McCain, Romney, Paul Ryan, John Robert's, Bush (take your pick), Lisa Murkowski, Jeff "THE" Flake, Susan Collins, etc.

  3. demoCRAPS suck says:

    Does anybody really give a shit what this over payed over rated actor says?
    What would security have done? They didn't rent or own the generators. Push them out of the fuckin way.

  4. Giovanni Socci says:

    If 2A "warriors" are this stupid and docile,then I don t give a rat's ass if they "fight" or not to keep and preserve the 2A.
    They surrendered to a big mouth satirist…I sure wouldn t donate to these losers,may their group suffer a fast death(the org,NOT the people).

  5. Allison Meredith says:

    Goes to show just like Jesus's disciples turned on him in the last minute all you pro gun people bowed to armed antichrist proves without the Holy Ghost nobody will stand. Everyone can relate to the problem but there is only one answer and that days coming for everyone who will stand and who will fall

  6. Flexall says:

    Lmfao that guy is hilarious 🤣 😂.. I stand proud for 2a fyi. All his stunt did was draw attention to the issue. Instead of outrage lets embrace his use of free speech and laugh together at how Hollywood stereo types real Americans.

  7. Mark Power says:

    Notice how it was the Leftist Actor who used racism to make his "point". Sacha Baron Cohen is a racist, bigot! He uses racist material to attack those people whose beliefs he won't tolerate. Textbook bigotry.

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