
Back in January, the Air Force promised One America News it would release all passenger lists showing Hunter Biden flying with his father and former Vice President Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two. However, they suddenly reversed their decision and have said they will not publicly release the lists. One America’s Richard Pollock has this exclusive report from Washington.

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31 replies
  1. Robin Haman says:

    Doesn't anyone want to know the truth about Hunter Biden & his dad Joe if there is nothing to hide release the passenger list ! Every time I turn around text messages are missing , documents missing enuff already , evil dishonest ? The people in power if this happens in any part of government Americans pay the bills it is our documents and if they end up missing people's job to produce them if not throw there ads in Jail crooked stuff is going on

  2. 6BT_ Str86 says:

    When are the rino republican going to realize, you HAVE to play the game to win , in other words: "circle the wagon, fall on the sword, and just silence the left . (Just as the left do, make up the rules as you go along 👍😉👌)

  3. ardy texn says:

    covering up the biden crime family dipshittery is not
    cooperating with freedom of information act…
    these filthy scumbags are as dirty as a they get

  4. Waylon Valnes says:

    The Air Force was like ok that’s fine! And then he looked at the list….. and said WAIT A MIN THIS SHOWS THAT THE BIDEN HAVE SOLD AMERICA TO TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTS !!!! We cannot show this!!!

  5. Arnt U Nate says:

    OAN So what’s going on behind the scenes. Are we having a worldwide shutdown to roundup the underground cabal. Many believe that is the reason we’ve got all these tents and empty hospitals waiting for the most horrific things that have been hidden from us. There was no way to do it other than to keep everyone home. Is it true that this is to expose all the human trafficking once and for all? Pray for the children. If all these stations and medical ships are here, is it to comfort the victims because it sure isn’t for C19 patients. Hospitals are empty. Go look for yourselves people!

  6. Dj Colourzone says:

    No problem…There are plenty of Patriots in every branch of the military who are loyal to THE PEOPLE and The President…Those lists are coming soon !!!! Patience it will all collapse on them soon enough.

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