
As the mainstream media stokes tension between the White House and the Pentagon, a not so subtle connection seems to explain why The Atlantic has been attacking the Trump administration. OAN’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more.

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43 replies
  1. k vasnaik says:

    Thank you for exposing Powell …those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones ,,,,sooner or later she will regret it ,,the police that they hate so much protects them so sad

  2. MsShirepony says:

    Laurene Powell Jobs, a woman whose only claim to wealth was sleeping with Steve Jobs. Unearned wealth always seems to create the worst kinds of leftists, totally detached from the real world.

  3. Rodney Kingston says:

    OMG, it's so obvious that scarf girl's "story" was written immediately after the report in the Atlantic came out, with no research, no investigation, no corroboration. It's so illiterate "The once respected journal now finds itself exposed as a privately funded fiction factory for the DNC." Is she kidding? It's probably more respected now than ever. Plenty of people have gone on record stating that Donald Trump made similar comments to them about the military.

  4. GoodShepard Film Productions says:

    The story published by the Titanic, excuse me I mean the Atlantic has already struck an iceberg and has sunk to the bottom amidst all the other lies of the Dems. Bible says, A lie has a short life, but the truth will last forever. Dems are proving the Word of God is accurate. Thanks Dems. We Should be teaching this is schools. "How the Democrats proved that God exists in the 2020 Election"

  5. Anselm Salins says:

    These dumb fools keep digging their own graves deeper and deeper.
    They will get swallowed up by their own doings.

  6. Ken Elliott says:

    g.soros the old nazi..turkey wants him for war crimes..it was his and ccp lab in wuhan that let sars out in 2002/03 remember that?now that same lab let the wuhan virus out..he has stated on tv that his goal is the one world order and the end of USA

  7. S Rogers says:

    George Soros is behind the debauchery the rioters the lies in the media. Soros is an evil man satan worshiper. The owner of this paper is also a terrible person who lie to the people

  8. R. N. says:

    It's amazing the lengths Trump haters will go. People should ask why Biden's campaign focus is only Trump bashing rather that providing what they are going to do for America. Oh that's right, Biden doesn't give crap about America or the people, not to mention his VP choice supports violent criminals over police.

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