
Sheriff Mark Lamb of Pinal County, Arizona is standing firm in his commitment to a strong law enforcement platform after winning his bid for reelection. He oversaw many Trump campaign events in Arizona this election season and said what he saw then doesn’t match what he’s seeing now. One America’s Christina Bobb spoke with Lamb about this discrepancy and has more from Washington.

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33 replies
  1. just me says:

    How are these states that throw away the envelope going to verify the vote on a recount, hopefully Arizona will finally show up Ms. McCain and the so called Republicans that are all for the NWO. Thanks to this sheriff for standing for law and order.

  2. A says:

    THANK YOU SHERIFF! Please report more on BLM Marxism Movement! This Movement wants to do more than defund the police. Google images of BLM Marxism demands.

  3. Tim Keen says:

    I am a President Trump supporter. Did no one see the protestors, rioters, BLM, Antifa, the masses at the RNC Convention, the post election victory celebration masses across the country, easily 90% young masked voters? These people voted for Biden and these events were their rallies. I expected to see a close race regardless of how many people attended Trump rallies. The right in front of our eyes rallies for Biden was there. I never saw a landside for either candidate. I hope but do not think that all of the lawsuits, recounts, etc… will decide the election. I hope I am wrong and that President Trump does get reelected. I dispise any minute chance of socialism controlling or changing our Democratic Republic to be in name only anymore than has already happened. Do not think that Biden's lack of people at his rallies is something to spout as proof that there were no Biden voters. Voter fraud, I do not doubt it happened and it always has. It's never goung to be a perfect system as long as there are any humans involved. No Biden voters, obvious to me there were. That's why I had concerns with this election. We older American Patriots let this happen to our country by our complacency through the decades. Ignorant voting or lack of voting as well as lack of participation in protecting our freedoms according to our Constitutional Rights. One vote counts is a pipe dream that can never come true in a Presidential Election. That's not how the Presidential election process works. Trump 2020, if not, then in 2024 for any hope. At least Trump has brought voter fraud to light and hopefully to an end, if voting even matters any more for President. It's never mattered to me before now. I think the GOP never really expected Trump to win 2016 but finally supported him against Hillary. It's just the system and not one person in elected office or appounted position really approves of an outsider. It's always been an act on both sides anyway, even the fights for Trump during all of the attacks. Has anyone heard of "an act of Congress"? Trump voters, supporters, rallies, and the RNC are the only real things. All that Congress is concerned about is their seats of power regardless of which President is in office. We are a country designed to be ruled by Congress, not the Administration or SCOTUS. Those last two branches are to serve the people by keeping Congress and each other in check. They've failed. But the seperation of powers has always flipfloped in one degree or another but are now incapable of being nonpartisan even with ACB supposedly making a difference. A 4-4+1 vote. That's just what Humankind does, choose sides and always divided. All Congressional elections were conceded Right or Left, no Electoral College. President Trump was the sole obstacle against the slow move that's already been heading towards Socialism in order to fit the Global initiative. The push is too hard. Do you really think that even a congressional majority will stand against the push? Too many complacent and fearful congressmen, all talk. Do you really think that SCOTUS even as it is now will stand in the way of Socialism; desecrating the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our laws with the deciding voter that has bent to the Left in many cases? Nonpartisan, BS. God bless Americans because if Trump is not successful then I'm afraid that the USA will become a third world nationalistic wannabe democracy such as the country where I retired to with its own history of continuous coups, military force, and many failed attempts at holding a Democracy. Is this the future you really want without pushing back against it in person? The Left has and we've learned nothing by it. All complacent talk on the Right. I'm complacent and all talk as well but looking in from the out.

  4. Ray C. says:

    If you want to know what the Democrats are after for law enforcement watch Robo Cop, OCP is a for profit law enforcement contractor where the private citizen has no right to defend themselves. Do you want this type of government, then hope for Biden/Harris to win.

  5. Patrick Shannon says:

    They've committed fraud there's no way that many people will vote for somebody who wants to take their jobs away who wants to take their heating oil and gas to heat their homes and electricity to cool their homes and keep their food cold away

  6. D B Cooper says:

    Just like Americans Trump will fight for what’s right no matter what it takes and the reason the Left won’t is because they are what’s bad and wrong about America, they are Americans in name only. Trump 2020.

  7. d j says:

    Yes. Arizona Sheriff is doing an excellent job by calling out voter fraud. Just as many liberals defied Trump, there will be pockets of RESISTANCE AGAINST biden's regime.

    Don't mess with Arizona nor any other Red States.

    TRUMP 2020 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

    IVANKA 2024 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

  8. Ocean of Light says:

    THE DEMONCRAT ELECTION SECRETARY OS amAZ State refuse to allow Reoublican poll watchers in the same room as tge bsllots being opened! She is as cirfuot as her Demonrat Comrads in Philadelphia ! These certified poll watchers job is to inspect these ballots fir matching signature on envelope, and to see if that battit is of a registered voter! But this corruor Sec of A tate Demonrat is engaged in making sure her comrad Binden steals the election! She is using those Dominion Tabukatirs that use doftshere from China, financial ownership in Venusula, and the vote count is sent out to Spain, before being sent back to america. Look up the TERMS " HAMMER & SCORECARD" THESE TABULATERS HAVE BEEN PROGRAM WITH A CODE TO SWITCH REPUBLICAN VOTES TO THE DEMONRATS IN ORDER TO GET DEMENTIA JOE ELECTED. THESE DOMINION TABLUTORS HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE ACROSS AMERICA IN KEY STATES ARIZON NEED A HAND COUNT WITH THE POLL WATCHES WITHIN 6 FEETS DO THEY CAN ACTULLY WATCH EVEVY PARTVOF WHATVTHE EKECTION EMPLOYEES DO WITH THE BALLOTS! THE SEC OF STATE INSTEAD PUTS THEM FARCAWAY SO THEY CAN NOT SEE EITH THEIR OWN EYES! ARIZONA NEEDS A HAND RECOUNT AS THE TABULATIONER MACHINES ARE RIGGED!

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