
Just like most people around the U.S., Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle are doing their part in social distancing and staying home as much as possible. They spoke to One America’s Patrick Hussion about the Trump administration’s response to COVID-19, Joe Biden, “Triggered,” and their upcoming live Q&A event.

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25 replies
  1. Maxine McCartney says:

    Poor Americans confined to home without paychecks to buy food. Sure, it's easy when your pantries are full but what of the millions who live paycheck to paycheck and there are no paychecks for weeks. Kids are hungry. Parents are hungry and it's very frustrating to put your family to bed hungry. Please get the checks to hungry families!!

  2. SeppuKun says:

    They had so much to say… could listen to them all day.
    And 2 grand for a tiger what?! Theres probably some domestic breeds of cats or dogs that go for that much, let alone a super exotic tiger

  3. C Adkins says:

    How anyone can believe these grifters is beyond me… Perhaps they can explain why Trump did NOT listen to the intel that was told to him in January, where there is DOCUMENTED proof. What can you expect from a man who cheats on his wife and leaves his young children. 🙄😵🤫🙄

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